Cost-effectiveness and Public-Health Impact of Cabotegravir Long-Acting Injectable for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Canada
HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow; November 10-13, 2024; Glasgow, Scotland
Adenike R. Adelakun,1 Michael Dolph,2 Emily Matthews,2 Alan Oglesby,3 Kelly Campbell,4 Ashley Davis,5 Janine Xu,1 Isabelle Hardy,6 Natalya Danchenko,7
Sarah-Jane Anderson7
1GlaxoSmithKline Inc., Mississauga, Canada; 2Cytel Inc., Toronto, Canada; 3ViiV Healthcare, Durham, USA; 4RTI Health Solutions, Manchester, UK, 5RTI Health Solutions, Durham, USA;
6ViiV Healthcare ULC, Montreal, Canada; 7ViiV Healthcare, London, UK