Estimated Number of People Who Inject Drugs in the United States….and Globally
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Jan 2023  
There were an estimated 3 694 500 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1 872 700-7 273 300) PWID in the United States in 2018, representing 1.46% (95% CI, .74-2.87) of the adult population.  
Epidemiology of injecting drug use, prevalence of injecting-related harm, and exposure to behavioural and environmental risks among people who inject drugs: a systematic review
March 27 2023  
There are an estimated 14⋅8 million people who inject drugs in 190 countries holding more than 99% of the world population. The number of countries with evidence of IDU increased from 148 in 200715 to 190 in 2022, with increases largely in low-income and middle-income countries.

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