Steps Reduce Belly Fat; couch time increases belly fat
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a landmark review confirmed that PWH engaged in relatively low levels of physical activity and that 50% of PWH met the recommended 150 min of moderate physical activity; these data were collected prior to 2016 and were mostly self-reported levels of physical activity. This study provides critical insight into the association of physical activity with abdominal adiposity due to the enhanced rigor and reproducibility embedded in the standardized accelerometry data collection and analysis protocol adhered to by all PROSPER-HIV participants and investigators.
As part of the multisite, observational PROSPER-HIV study, virologically suppressed, adult PWH wore an Actigraph accelerometer for 7–10 days and completed duplicate waist and hip circumference measures.
We observed relatively high levels of unbouted physical activity [<10 minutes] in PWH and also high adiposity in both male and female PWH, but particularly among women [38–41]. As these are consistently observed relationships, coupled with their negative impact on health; it is reasonable to suggest that we must elevate our investment in evidence-based clinical strategies to increase and sustain the amount, intensity and diversity of physical activity in PWH.
"we demonstrated that the number of steps per day are associated with decreased adiposity in PWH and increased sedentary time was associated with increased adiposity."
(88%) participants had excess abdominal adiposity. Many participants reported comorbidities including hypertension (77%), renal disease (39%), diabetes (33%) and cardiovascular disease (22%). Participants completed a mean of 7.06 (±2.74) days of total actigraphy wear time. These data revealed that 229 (55%) of PROSPER-HIV participants met the DHHS Physical Activity Guidelines of 150 min of nonbouted moderate-to-vigorous physical activity or 75 min of vigorous physical activity per week in any duration. On average participants completed approximately 4906 steps per day (3233, 7140), spent a median of 5.4 h/day being sedentary and engaged in 168 min moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week (72.8, 319.7; Table 1).
Results: on average, 419 PWH were 58 years of age, male (77%), Black (54%), and currently taking an integrase inhibitor (78%). PWH completed a mean of 7.06 days of total actigraphy wear time. They took an average of 4905 (3233, 7140) steps per day and engaged in 5.4 h of sedentary time per day. Controlling for age, sex, employment and integrase inhibitor use, the number of steps taken per day was associated with reduced abdominal adiposity and the hours of daily sedentary time was associated with increased abdominal adiposity.
Conclusions: Greater physical activity is associated with reduced abdominal adiposity in aging PWH. Future work should investigate how to tailor the amount, type and intensity of physical activity needed to reduce adiposity in PWH taking contemporary HIV medication.
