HRSA Issues Aging/HIV Letter on Older HIV; Long-Term Survivors in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
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Posted August 16, 2024
From Laura Cheever, MD, ScM, Associate Administrator, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration:
August 16, 2024
Dear Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Colleagues,
People with HIV aged 50 and older face similar health and social issues as the general aging population, including: multiple chronic conditions, medication management, polypharmacy, changing physical and cognitive abilities, and social isolation and loneliness. However, they experience age-related conditions 10-15 years sooner and with more complexity than the general population.[4] Similarly, people diagnosed with HIV at birth or in childhood were exposed to the virus when their immune systems were not yet fully developed, which may accelerate the rate at which their immune system ages.[5]Factors such as age, gender identity, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status also contribute to disparities in health outcomes [social determinants of health, Jules].
RWHAP funds may be used to support people who are aging with HIV across various HRSA RWHAP core medical and support service categories as described in HRSA HAB Policy Clarification Notice #16-02 (PCN 16-02) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individual and Allowable Uses of Funds.[Ryan White Councils are told to support this call for funding improving aging-related care in the clinic. Jules] Affected populations may include:
• Older Adults: People with HIV aged 50 and older.
• Long-term Survivors: Adults who acquired HIV prior to the availability of ART.
• Life-term Survivors: Adults who acquired HIV at birth or as young children.
We strongly encourage RWHAP recipients and subrecipients to utilize existing and future trainings, tools, and resources available through TargetHIV.org and the RWHAP AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program's reference guides to support health care professionals in providing care to people aging with HIV.