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25th International AIDS Conference
22 to 26 July 2024
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Negative Perception of Self & Stigma & Depression associated with Worse Expectations of Aging in Brazil
  AIDS 2024
CONCLUSIONS: HRS may negatively impact numerous health outcomes among OPLWH. Here, we found that higher HRS scores and depression were associated with poorer perception of aging. Further studies are needed to understand if interventions to mitigate HRS and appropriate management of depression could improve aging expectations and perceptions among OPLHIV.
Aging & HIV Studies at IAS 2024 - (08/12/24)
Geriatric syndromes and quality of life in older adults living with HIV in Brazil....50% Pre-frail, 6% frail....age 62, CD4 700+, 90% undetectable viral load....greater services needed ! - (08/03/24) HIGH RATES OF FRAILTY. And numerous specific comorbidities.


HIV-related stigma among older adults living with HIV in Brazil: association with poor perception of aging