12-Month Outcomes of Cabotegravir Plus Rilpivirine Long-Acting Every 2 Months in a Real-World Setting: Effectiveness, Adherence to Injections, and Patient-Reported Outcomes From People With HIV-1 in the German CARLOS Study Who Switched Off Suppressive Oral Daily ART
AIDS 2024 July 20-26 Munich
Celia Jonsson-Oldenbüttel1, Sebastian Noe1, Christoph Wyen2, Jan Borch3, Kevin Ummard-Berger4, Nils Postel5, Stefan Scholten6, Kathrin M. Dymek7, Bernd Westermayer8,
Patricia de los Rios9, Jenny Scherzer7
1MVZ München am Goetheplatz, Munich, Germany; 2Praxis am Ebertplatz, Cologne, Germany; 3Praxis Goldstein, Berlin, Germany; 4UBN/Praxis, Berlin, Germany; 5Prinzmed, Practice for Infectious Diseases, Munich, Germany; 6Praxis Hohenstaufenring, Cologne, Germany; 7ViiV Healthcare, Munich, Germany; 8GSK, Munich, Germany; 9ViiV Healthcare, Montreal, Canada
