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25th International AIDS Conference
22 to 26 July 2024
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Extended efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and darunavir containing regimens at week 96 in the international randomised clinical trial: D2EFT
  AIDS 2024 July 20-26 Munich
N. Kumarasamy1, on behalf of D2EFT study group
1Voluntary Health Services, Chennai Antiviral Research and Treatment (CART), Chennai, India



D2EFT is an international randomised trial comparing dolutegravir (DTG) with ritonavir boosted darunavir (DRV/r) versus DTG with fixed tenofovir and lamivudine or emtricitabine (TDF/XTC) versus standard of care (SOC:DRV/r+2NRTIs with a rotation of nucleosides or adaptation to HIV genotype) in adult people living with HIV-1 whose first-line NNRTI-based therapy has failed. At the 48-week primary endpoint both intervention arms demonstrated non-inferiority to SOC in terms of HIV-RNA<50 copies/mL with the DRV/r+DTG arm also showing superiority.
METHODS: Week 96 data are here presented as modified intent to treat analysis including all available data.
RESULTS: 826 participants from 14 resource-constrained countries were randomised: DTG+DRV/r (n=271), DTG+TDF/XTC (n=294), SOC:DRV/r+2NRTIs (n=261). Median age 39 years, 55% female and 69%, 25% and 2% of Black, Asian and White ethnicity respectively. Median CD4 was 206 cells/mm3 and median HIV-RNA was 15,400 copies/mL. Median BMI was 23 kg/m2. By week 96 proportions remaining on original randomised regimen were 98%, 97% and 91% for DTG+DRV/r, DTG+TDF/XTC and DRV/r+2NRTIs respectively. At 96 weeks when compared to the SOC, the percentage with HIV-RNA<50 copies/mL was significantly higher for both DTG+DRV/r (85.6% vs 76.0%, [difference 9.6% (95% CI:2.7-16.4), p=0.01] and DTG+TDF/XTC (81.6 vs 72.6% [difference 9.0% (95%CI 1.4, 16.6), p=0.02). In a snapshot analysis in which response at week 96 was defined as remaining on randomised regimen and HIV-RNA <50 copies/mL, the proportions were 68.6% SOC, 77.9% DTG+DRV/r and 76.5% DTG+TDF/XTC (p<0.05 for both intervention arms against SOC).
Overall mean CD4 gain to week 48 was 156 cells/mm3 and by week 96 was 204 cells/mm3. At week 96 CD4 count gain was on average 53 cells greater in the DTG+DRV/r arm and 35 cells greater in the DTG+TDF/XTC arm compared to SOC (p<0.003 and 0.06 respectively). Mean weight gain over 96 weeks was 4.1kg (SD7.2), 7.4kg (SD7.9) and 5.8kg (SD8.1) in SOC, DTG+DRV/r and DTG+TDF/XTC arms respectively. Trajectory of weight gain in DTG+TDF/XTC versus SOC plateaued after week 48 but continued in DTG+DRV/r.
CONCLUSIONS: Extended week 96 analysis in the D2EFT study confirms the efficacy and tolerability of DTG-containing regimens with both arms reaching superiority against DRV/r+2NRTI for virological suppression to <50 copies/mL.