ID Week 2024
October 16-19
Los Angeles, California
- Adherence to Bone Mineral Density Screening
Recommendations in Older Adults with HIV
- (11/26/24)
- Anal Pap Smear Trends in Patients Living with HIV and a History of Malignancy in a Single-Center: Retrospective Observational Study
- (11/25/24)
- Clinical Complications and Quality of Life in People Living with HIV and Other Comorbidities
- (11/25/24)
- The Silver Tsunami is Upon Us: Over Half of Persons with HIV in the United States Are Aged ≥50 Years and Almost Half Have Been Living with HIV >15 Years
- (11/25/24)
- An Analysis of an Evolving Malignancy Profile in an Urban Population of People Living with HIV
- (11/25/24)
- Gilead to Present Late-Breaking Data Highlighting Antiviral Portfolio, Innovative Research Pipeline and HIV Leadership at IDWeek 2024
- (11/06/24)
Implementation and Uptake of Long-acting Injectable PrEP at Atlanta VA Healthcare System - (10/24/24)
Implementation and Uptake of Long-acting Injectable PrEP at Atlanta VA Healthcare System - (10/24/24)
Opportunities for PrEP Awareness and Engagement:
A Survey among Cisgender Women Seeking Healthcare in the US - (10/24/24)
Improving HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
(PrEP) among Transgender Individuals - (10/24/24)
Integrating PrEP Services into a Gynecology Clinic
in Alabama: A Qualitative Analysis of Key Determinants - (10/24/24)
- Concerns and opinions of people currently or previously on oral and long acting injectable forms of HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - (10/24/24)
- Predictors of Undetectable HDV RNA 48 Weeks After Completion of Finite Treatment With Bulevirtide and Pegylated-Interferon Alpha-2a - (10/24/24)
Efficacy and Safety of Bulevirtide Monotherapy for Chronic Hepatitis Delta in Patients With and Without Cirrhosis: Results From the Week 144 Interim Analysis of a Phase 3 Randomized Study - (10/24/24)
- Should HCV Be Treated in Pregnant Persons? - (10/24/24)
- Efficacy and Safety of B/F/TAF in Black Adults With HIV Who
Are Treatment Naïve: 5-Year Follow-Up From Two Phase 3 Studies - (10/23/24)
Trends in HIV-Related Mortality Among People of Reproductive Potential in the United States
HIV Deaths Plunge in Reproductive-Age US Women From 1999 to 2020 - Mark Mascolini (10/23/24)
Antiretroviral prophylaxis to prevent perinatal HIV infection in Medicaid-insured infants, 2009-2021: Over Half of HIV Infections in First Year of Life Reflect No Postnatal HIV Prophylaxis...majority Black Race - Mark Mascolini (10/23/24)
Effects of Antiretroviral Resistance on Outcomes and Healthcare Resource Use of People with HIV in the United States and Europe: a real-world survey - (10/23/24)
Treatment Patterns and Healthcare Resource
Utilization of Heavily Treatment Experienced People With HIV - (10/23/24)
- Impact of Pharmacoenhancers on the Pharmacokinetics
and Safety of Lenacapavir in People with HIV - (10/23/24)
Extrapolating Expected Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Dolutegravir/Lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in Pregnant People Living With HIV-1 From Pregnancy Data With Combination DTG and/or 3TC Antiretroviral Therapies - (10/23/24)
- Extrapolating Expected Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Dolutegravir/Lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in Pregnant People Living With HIV-1 From Pregnancy Data With Combination DTG and/or 3TC Antiretroviral Therapies - (10/23/24)
- Characteristics of Women Initiating CAB+RPV LA in the OPERA Cohort - (10/23/24)
LAI CAB/RPV plus SC LEN Effective in PWH with
Poor Long-term Adherence and INSTI or NNRTI RAMs - (10/23/24)
- Assessment of Failures of Long-Acting Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in a Real-World Treatment Setting - (10/23/24)
- PWH Mortality Declined. Disparities Blacks, Socially Vulnerable, Older PWHL: CDC Analysis - Mark Mascolini
- Metformin reduces the risk of Long COVID or Death over 6 months in an Emulated Target Trial of Primarily Omicron-infected Adults without Diabetes or Prediabetes New-User, Active-Comparator Analysis - (10/23/24)
- Obeldesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19 in People With Risk Factors for Progression to Severe Disease: The BIRCH Study - (10/22/24)
Obeldesivir for Treatment of COVID-19 in Adults and Adolescents Without Risk Factors for Progression to Severe Disease: The OAKTREE Study - (10/22/24)
- Incidence of Long COVID Symptoms During the Year Post Admission
Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19; for Immunocompromised - (10/22/24)
Obeldesivir Reduced SARS-CoV-2 Infectious Titers in the BIRCH Phase 3 Clinical Trial - (10/22/24)
Paxlovid Cuts Severe COVID Risk in People With Prior Infection or Vaccination - Mark Mascolini (10/22/24)
Efficacy and Safety of B/F/TAF in Treatment-Naïve People With HIV Aged ≥ 50 Years: 5-Year Follow-Up From Two Phase 3 Studies - (10/22/24)
- Breast Cancer (BC) and Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screenings among Persons with HIV (PWH): The Role of Individual and System-Level Factors on Screening Completion - (10/22/24)
- Comorbidities and Healthcare Resource Utilization Among People With HIV: Real-World Data From a Large Israeli Healthcare Provider - (10/22/24)
- T-cell Immune Exhaustion and the Atherogenic Index of Plasma in People Living with HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy - (10/22/24)
- Comparison of Renal Outcomes by Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF) vs. Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) Containing Regimens for Prevention, and Treatment of HIV and/or HBV Treatment: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis - (10/22/24)
- High HBV Screening Rate in US Veterans Group With HIV - Mark Mascolini (10/22/24)
- HBV HIV Screening Among HIV+ US Veterans Administration - (10/22/24)
- Trajectories of Newly Initiated Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Use among Priority Populations with Unmet Needs for PrEP in the USA - (10/21/24)
- Real-World Use of Cabotegravir Long-Acting
for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Data from Trio Health Cohort - (10/21/24)
- Missed opportunities for HIV Prevention and Treatment in People Hospitalized with Serious Injection Related Infections: The CHOICE+ Cohort - (10/21/24)
- Week 26 Interim Analysis of Implementation and Delivery of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for PrEP in a Community Pharmacy Setting - (10/21/24)
- Cabotegravir Long-Acting for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Real World Data on On-Time Dosing, HIV Testing and HIV Acquisition from the OPERA Cohort - (10/21/24)
- Social Determinants of Health and Side Effects Significantly Predict Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Preferences for Every 2 Month Long-Acting Injectable vs. Daily Oral PrEP among Cisgender Women in the United States and the Dominican Republic - (10/21/24)
- Change in Healthcare Professionals' Identification, Counseling, and Adherence With Black Women for Long-Acting Cabotegravir (CAB LA) for PrEP Across Women's Health, Primary Care, and Infectious Diseases Sites: Findings From the EBONI Study - (10/21/24)
PrEP Decision Factors: a CHORUS Healthcare Professional Survey - (10/21/24)
- Changes in Renal Function After Switching from Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate to Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): A Real-World Study - (10/21/24)
Update on Lenacapavir for PrEP: Results from the Interim Analyses of PURPOSE 1 and PURPOSE 2 - (10/21/24)
Over 80% Adhere to Long-Acting
CAB+RPV Despite Prior Non-Adherence - Mark Mascolini (10/21/24)
- People With HIV in the United States (US) Switching to Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine Long-Acting (CAB+RPV LA) From Oral Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Have Numerous Real-World Benefits, Including High Adherence and Treatment Satisfaction - (10/21/24)
Long-acting Injectable HIV Treatment in Individuals with Adherence Challenges: - (10/21/24)
Week 48 Results of a Phase 2 Study Evaluating Once-weekly Oral Islatravir Plus Lenacapavir - (10/20/24)
- Similar Efficacy, Safety and CD4 T-cell Increase up to Week 96 Observed With Fostemsavir (FTR)-Based Regimens in the BRIGHTE Study and Dolutegravir (DTG)-Based Regimens in the VIKING-3 Study in Individuals With Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) HIV-1 - (10/20/24)
- CD4 T-cell, CD4/CD8 Ratio Improvement and a General Reduction in Inflammatory Biomarkers With Low-Level Viremia (LLV) up to Week 192 With Fostemsavir (FTR)-Based Regimens in Individuals With Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) HIV-1 - (10/20/24)
- Racial/Ethnic Disparities of Renal Outcomes in People With HIV on Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Antiretroviral Therapy Regimens in the Real World - (10/20/24)
Lenacapavir Sustains HIV Control
and Keeps Boosting CD4s Through 3 Years - Mark Mascolini
- Optimizing 2-Drug Switch HBV Screening: pilot intervention to increase HBV screening - (10/20/24)
- Long-Acting Subcutaneous Lenacapavir in People with HIV-1 Multi-Drug Resistant HIV-1: 3-Year Results of the CAPELLA Study - (10/20/24)
Pharmacokinetics and Safety of GS-1720 Following Multiple Ascending Doses in a Phase 1a Study in People Without HIV-1 - (10/20/24)
- PAIRED - PAtIent Reported Experiences and perceiveD benefit of treatment with dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC): A diverse sample of people with HIV-1 (PWH) reporting high treatment satisfaction, good adherence, and high quality of life - (10/20/24)