Can the
Interferon package be used in conjunction with the IL-2 without causing
problems or invalidating the trial?
Dear Dr. Rodrigues, |
I'm co-infected, have been HIV+ for 17 years that I know of and HCV+ for
at least 12. Seven or eight years ago my HCV was treated with Interferon
Alpha for a time, I don't remember how long, and the enzyme levels returned to
normal levels. Since that time I started taking ARV's for the HIV with great success. My HIV viral load is now and has been or years <50. Fourteen months ago a month after my third session of IL-2 my CD-4 count was 3101. Three weeks ago it was down to 1089; I'm supposed to have more of the IL-2 when it gets to below 1000, and at this rate that will probably be in a couple of months. I've got a couple of questions. The only ARV's that I've taken in all this time are D4T and 3TC, and they are obviously still working well. Also obviously, the IL-2 is doing wonders.  
Just for reference, before I started the IL-2 - as a part of the Esprit
rial - my CD-4 count had been stable in the 800 range for about four of the five years that I had been taking the ARV's. I have also been told that my
liver enzymes are rising again and it's been predicted that I'll have to go on
the Interferon/Ribavirin routine soon - I'll have to confess that I don't know
what the HCV viral load is right now. My questions are thus: Can the
Interferon package be used in conjunction with the IL-2 without causing
problems or invalidating the trial? Also, I read somewhere on the internet
recently, though I can't remember where, that Ribavirin has been shown to
reduce the levels of 3TC in the blood, and that increasing the dosage of
the 3TC to bring the levels back to normal wipes out the effect of the
Ribavirin. Since the Interferon worked successfully by itself last time, would it be appropriate to use it that way again? The HIV ARVs' have been working so
well that I'd hate to do anything that would bring on resistance. Is this a
catch 22, or is there a practical way out?  
All this is being done at the VA here in Atlanta. I don't know about the H
EPC people having not really met them yet, but the consulting doctors in the
ID clinic are from the CDC. I would still appreciate your comments, though,
as second opinions are always valued.  
Thanks for your time.
Dr Rodrigues Writes- |
In coinfection interferon monotherapy has a dismal rate of HCV
clearance. This does
not mean, that you did not have a benefit of the treatment, as you had ALT
decrease, and probably some effect in the liver histology. The problem is that
we do not know for how long, and what is the progression of your disease in
the liver.  
Most likely, you wont be able to start in any interferon based therapy, while you are in the HIV trial. This therapy can interfere with the
responses, and the parameters being studied.You need to consult this with
your doctor. Of major importance to decide what to do, will be to assess
exactly the status of your disease.  
RBV is under evaluation at this moment to determine what effect has in the
intracellular levels of AZT, d4t and 3tc. The exact data will be reported
this year. I can tell you however, that no study in coinfection has shown any
problem of resistance, or lack of effect of these drugs during HCV therapy
with RBV. This is not important clinically,and you should not be concerned
about it.  
The final issue, would be to decide the therapy to use and for how long. The
best data in HCV non responders is with the use of Pegasys and RBV. Plenty of
data will be available later this year, in coinfection with the same
combination. We are s not sure if the best efficacy will be obtained with 48
weeks of treatment. We suspect that coinfected patients will have lesser %
of viral clearance and non responders, and maybe naive cases, may need
longer duration of treatment as 18 months.
Good luck.
Dr. Rodriguez |