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Is my low iron count perhaps my body's response to healing?
Dear Dr. Chung,
I have Hepatitis C (no symptoms -- I am taking Chinese herbs). In my last year's CBC blood results, it was seen I was seriously anemic (the test ran 4 or 5 from a normal of 32). Since I am an every day swimmer and active, my only sympton was a tiredness climbing stairs. I know that Hep C patients normally store iron, and that iron may contribute to the Hep C virus replication. Therefore, my question is, is my low iron count perhaps my body's response to healing? I began eating meat and taking an iron supplement I could tolerate, and it has now risen to just below normal.
Thank you,
  Dr Chung Writes-  
I don't think this is a response to healing, and you should have it checked out with your doctor to determine why you are anemic.
  Dr. Rodriguez      
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