For the past several weeks I've been feeling too tired to think.
I fall asleep at work, sleep a lot at home. My viral load is now 800K;
previously it has been around 300K for a number of years. My enzyme level is
around 60. I have never had conventional treatment, relying instead on
acupuncture and chinese herbs for relief of fatigue and pains. My viral
genotype, I believe, is 3.
I am scared of having drug treatment because of the possible side effects
and interference with my daily functioning. But not being able to think is
disabling, too. Can this be a symptom of HCV?
One more question: When patients respond to drug treatment, a very high
percentage of them eventually relapse, say, within a year or two, correct?
What is the sustained (indefinitely) success rate for treatment of genotype
3, previously untreated? How many HCV monoinfected relapse and how many
HCV/HIV coinfected relapse?
Many thanks