I was diagnosed a year ago with HVC. At that time I had a Ferritin level of
1,500, which has since lowered to about 950. I was on combination treatment
for 6 months but was a non responder. I have just recently started the
Halt-C research study. My biopsy sample was sent to Mayo to see if I had a
high iron levels in my liver, but they came back in the normal range. I was
told by my family MD that it is possible to have high ferritin levels
without them actually carrying any abnormal levels of iron. I do not have
Hemachromatosis. However, several national Iron Overload groups have told
me that research in Europe has determined that for treatment to be effective
with Interferon, ferritin levels need to be dropped to a level of 10 or
less? What experience have you had with this issue?