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My platelet count, which is 44,000, does not make me a candidate for PEG+Rib treatment.
Dear Dr. Chung,
My doctor told me my platelet count, which is 44,000, does not make me a candidate for PEG+Rib treatment. He says my platelet count needs to be greater than 60,000. Is there a way to increase the platelet count?
Also, he took a nuclear liver scan and says he 'thinks' I may have early stage cirrhosis. This isn't very reassuring. I had a biopsy in 1995 and was told there was some necrosis.
  Dr Chung Writes-  
We have no reliable way of increasing the platelet count. if there are concerns re early cirrhosis, a repeat biopsy will give you more definitive information.
  Dr. Chung      
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