I'm 68 with HCV (genotype 2) and liver fibrosis - incipient cyhrrosis. I've
had two sessions with interferon - ribivaran, one time for 6 months, one
time for a year (ending last May), both times the virus came back after the
treatment. My health seems pretty good, I get tired in the evenings, hard
for me to say whether its from hepititas or just age.
Supposedly there are two new treatments which might benefit me. One is
Pegasys - ribavain, which is supposed to come out next October. Another is
Novirio - Akros (?), pills, which I might be able to get into this summer
through some kind of testing program, which might be free.
Which would have the best chance of eliminating my virus or otherwise
helping me? Since I haven't been taking anything, is my liver deteriorating?
Can I wait till next fall? Are they sure the Pegasys will be available in
October? How much will it cost? Medicare won't pay for my prescriptions and
I recently moved from Miami to Austin Texas. If the cost of Pegasys will be
like my previous treatments, I'll have to go back to Florida to get my
medicare-HMO to pay for it, it won't be covered in Texas.
Thanks very much.