I had hepatitis in 1970, believed to be infectious at the time, not from
drug usage or transfussion. At that time it was determined I had chronic
active hepatitis. Thereafter, it was determined I had non a/non b
heptatitis until 1987 when diagnosed with Hep c and cirrhosis. I have
unsuccessfully been treated with Intron a - for ten months ending March
2001. During that time i developed hypothyroidism, change in taste buds,
energy level. My viral load went from 4 mill to 37,000. Do not have
current viral load. Currently, my enzyme levels remain high, my spleen is
enlarged, nodules from cirrhosis appears to be regenerating. Current
bilirubin is elevated -1.6 and protein level is slightly elevated. Recent
tests show lesion which may be another nodule and is being watched. To be
re ultrasound in three months.
My current doctor, who I think is excellent, believes I should try
interferon again. What is your opinion? Are there any other options.