I am a police officer in a major city. I contracted Hep C during the arrest
of a junky. My concern is for those who work around me and those I
encounter during my shift. Often, the people that I am dealing with do not
like what I have to say and react violently. Bleeding is part of my job.
Sometimes I bleed from just nicks and scratches, sometimes from a full blown
fight. And this is not a clinical situation so there is no way of
controling my environment more than I already do. I am the first officer in
my state to contract the disease on duty and no one knows what to do with
me. Do you think that I should continue in this line of work carrying this
disease? This is of great importance to me and the officers that I work
with. We depend on each other to be there to keep us safe. When they are
there with me they are at risk. Any suggestions?