My sincerest thanks to you for providing an outlet for questions regarding
Hep C. Also, I thought you did a great job on Nightline! My situation and
question--I have had Hep C for over 20 yrs. My viral load avg is 500K.
Enzymes always normal. Biopsy with mild changes only. My C3, C4, Ch50 are
very low and I was also noted to have an acquired Protein S deficiency. I
also have mild MPGN. Rheumatology work-up was totally negative. My
hepatologist's view is that these problems are unrelated to the Hep C due to
having such a good biopsy result. My PCP and hematologist believe the years
of viremia are the cause of these problems. The hepatologist says "no" to
treatment and the other docs believe that treatment of the virus is crucial.
What do you think?