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My questions concern the breakdown and changes in the evaluation of stages and grading.
Dear Dr. Chung,
My questions concern the breakdown and changes in the evaluation of stages and grading. I have been diagnosed as having stage 3-4 , grade 2 liver disease. Fibrosisis severe and bridging,elevated PT time and 795 on AFP with 70 platelet and 4.0 WBC. At what point does stage 3-4 become stage 3 and why? I also keep hearing early cirrohsis and moderate cirrohsis. What determines this? It seems so hard to get definitive and certain interpretations from my doctor. Thanks for any help. I was diagnosed with HCV in 2000 and have had no tx as I am poor and uninsured.
  Dr Chung Writes-  
You may very well have cirrhosis, with depressed platelet counts. it is difficult to say even with a biopsy because there can be variations within the liver. the amount of scar tissue determines how advanced the cirrhosis is. i would be sure the AFP test is followed up with your doctor - please check with him/her to determine whether this is an elevated test.
  Dr. Chung      
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