I have HCV I am 47 years old male. My doctor says I need a transplant. I am
taking Enulose for the ammonia levels I am taking Spironolactone for my
liver. I am also on methadone 15 mg a day. I am detoxing off the methadone,
should I continue taking the methadone, or continue detoxing and be off it
totally before I start the transplant process. But as I do the pain in my
stomach is getting worse. The doctor gave me hydrcodone for the pain. But it
doesn't seem to help much unless I take 3 or more pills Which makes me
nauseated. What is normally given for pain for people in my health
condition? My platelet count is dropping. My last blood test my platelet
count was 68. He said last time it was 88. That was a month ago. I go back
in 2 weeks. If I don't get a transplant what is my life expectancy? Also
have you heard of a transplant
program in New York supposedly at a Mt Saini hospital. That does
transplants on HCV patients that are also on methadone. I have no insurance
I have been disabled since an accident in 1989. The SSA just now agreed
that I am disabled but they say I haven't worked enough in the last ten
years to receive my benefits. So I am having to come up with what
money I can for my doctors care.