Any benefit to continuing treatment for 6 more months? What does "Grey
Zone-Positive" mean?
CASE: HIV/HCV co-infected. Baseline pretreatment data: HIV related
stats-CD4=850, viral load=>50, on 1st regiment HAART 5 yrs=Viracept, 3TC,
D4T; HCV related stats-Genotype=3A, viral load=160,000, scarring index
score=0, female, 41yrs, no drug/alcohol use.
HISTORY: Began Rebetrol treatment May '01 & was schedule for 6 month
course. Dec '01 elevated lactate levels, taken off HAART. undetermined But,
late clearance/PCR negative Sept '01, so treatment extended 6 more months.
Then, Feb '02 PCR result was "Grey Zone-Positive". March'02 PCR negative
again & still off HAART (current HIV related stats CD4=740, viral
load=15500). I am scheduled to end 12 months Rebetrol treatment in April,
but HIV Doctor's brought up continuing me for another 6 months Rebetrol.
HCV Doctor's opinion is that I should finish as scheduled in April and see
if HCV SVR is acheived at Nov '02. And, consider further HCV related
treatment at that time. My
concern is that HIV Doctors and HCV Doctor are not in agreement--HIV Dr's
concerned about HCV treatment success & HCV Doctor concerned about HIV not
getting treated--seems like neither side understands how the other works.
What is your recommendation at this point?