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Blood Clots,Femerol Vein Blood Testing; can I draw my own blood; what about a Pic Line?
Dear Dr Rodriquez:
I have an appt. June 26th, to discuss going on the combo. This is it, "D" day. I am very concerned,though. I have no veins left,that are capable of the bi monthly blood testing, I'll have to have done. I told my dr. I had a good vein left in my inner, upper thigh area. I believe it might be a femerol vein, not the artery. I am extremely concerned, though, because in the 20 or so last years, not one lab technician would go there to draw blood, saying it was dangerous. And that a blood clot could form, and could possibly be fatal. Now, being an ex -heroin addict, my doctor asked me if I'd be willing to draw my own blood, from this vein in my upper thigh, seeing as noone else will go there. And ,obviously, I'll have to be tested, once I go on the combo. I am very frightened, to have to do this, period. I haven't touched a needle for over 10 years. And, I'm extremely concerned that I may get a blood clot. What should I do? How safe is this?
I know, I BELIEVE that it isn't safe at all! I already spoke to my dr. about doing a central line, but, when I had some minor surgery done, in the past, they told me it wasn't safe to leave a central line in for over 3 days, due to high risk of infection. I am at a dead end here, with what else can be done. Someone said something about a Pic line. But I haven't a clue as to what that is, or whether it would be able to stay lodged in my arm for the perhaps, full 1 year of treatment. Could you explain what a Pic Line is?
Please,can you tell me anything about doing this blood drawing from my own leg, whether or not you think I ought to attempt fate,and go ahead and do it myself. I don't mind trying it, but, I do mind the risks, and whether or not I'd get in trouble with my insurance company, having to be the one to draw my own blood. This is unheard of in my humble opinion, but i am willing to do it, in order to get tested. I also have early stages of cirrhosis,and low platelets, so this is of extreme importance, i get the bi-monthly testing.HELP HELP HELP...PLEASE ADVISE,A.S.A.P. And if your stumped ,too, please, can you ask your colleagues about it? My most gracious thank you,
Dr. Rodriquez writes--
What you suggest is not only dangerous but inappropriate medical management. You need a safe vein for adequate follow up, and a femoral vein would be extremely risky and unsafe. I strongly recommend you to a Medi Port put in place in your subclavian vein. This port can be in place for more than 1 year, and is safe for blood removal and also for antibiotic or other drugs infusion if needed. This is used very frequently in oncology patients,and many medical plans can cover the cost. Good Luck!! MR | Ask our Experts | All Questions |