HCV/Coinfection in NYC-HCV+ Die 20 Yrs Earlier/HCV Among HIV+ MSM Tripled
NYC Department of Health 2 Studies
(1) http://www.natap.org/2013/IDSA/IDSA_35.htm
"There was a significant upward trend in the proportion of HCV infections reported among people with HIV who are MSM. In 2000, 7% of HCV reports among people with HIV were MSM; in 2010, 24% were MSM"

(2) Causes of Death among People with Hepatitis C in NYC, 2000-2011
"Among persons who died, the majority of people who were HCV mono-infected died prematurely (67%), and nearly all of those who were HCV/HIV co-infected died prematurely (95%) (Figure 1)."......while HIV & HCV negative people are more limey to die of heart diseases , cancers 80% - for people with HCV only 41% die of these "common" diseases but 25% die of HCV-related causes: cirrhosis, liver cancer
"Among persons reported with HCV between 2000 and 2010, 18% died between 2000 and 2011."
published in Clinical Infectious Diseases
