Aging in NYC: Black/Latino 25% >60 Yrs Old; 75% >40. 23,000 >60
NYC HIV population is older than nationally, see CDC data below. In NYC 100,000 of the 126,000 PLWH are Black or Latino. 40,000 are women. 47% are high or very high poverty. 22% of Whites high or very high poverty vs 55% + for Black/Latinos.
in NYC, 24% with HIV are over 60 years old (30,000). 75% over 40 (96,000).
38% Black. 33% Latino. 25% White. 126,000 HIV+ in NYC. 46% have high & very high poverty (43% men, 57% women).
transmission risk:
41% are MSM.
12% IDU
20% heterosexual contact.
1.2% transgender
• Black Men (35,000): 73% over 40 (compared to 82% for Whites).
54% over 50.
24% over 60 (7,300).
27% under 39. 52% high or very high poverty.
46% MSM (transmission risk).
• Black Women (20,000):
80% over 40. 58% over 50, 23% over 60 (5,000).
54% heterosexual contact. 56% high or very high poverty.
• Latino Men (30,000):
74% over 40. 21% over 60 (6,000). 52% over 50.
52% high or very high poverty. 53% MSM.
• Latino women (11,500):
26% over 60 (3,000). 60% over 50. 81% over 40.
19% under 39. 52% heterosexual contact. 66% high or very high poverty.
• White women (2,500): 64% over 50. 28% over 60. 16% < 39. 30% high or very high poverty. 47% heterosexual contact. 24% IDU - transmission risk