NATAP is a New York State non-profit corporation with 501(c)3 Federal tax-exempt status. Our mission is to educate individuals about HIV and Hepatitis treatments and to advocate on the behalf of all people living with HIV/AIDS and HCV. Our efforts in these areas are conducted on local, national, and international levels.
Locally, NATAP collaborates with other organizations as well as city and state agencies. Nationally, NATAP works with Federal agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute of Health and advocates on policy and treatment issues. Jules Levin, our Executive Director, is a community representative to the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) and the HIV Disease Research Agenda Committee (RAC) of the ACTG, where the Federal government conducts its HIV research.
The treatment information that NATAP provides reaches medical professionals, allied professionals, patients, caregivers, underserved communities, and other interested parties in over 40 countries. |
- The NATAP Reports newsletter
- The NATAP web site: http://www.natap.org
- The Women's Program: Provides Women specific treatment information
- "Living Well With HIV and Hepatitis" a radio show formally hosted by Jules Levin. The show is no longer in production, but cassette copies of previously recorded broadcasts are available from our website.
- Daily Worldwide E-mail Treatment Updates on both HIV & HCV
- The NATAP Community Treatment Education Program: providing on-site education in English and Spanish for community based organizations.
- Regular Public Forums for medical professionals and patients, including Continuing Medical Education events
- IndividualTreatment & Adherence Education: NATAP provides support services & education for HIVand HCV infected individuals throughout NYC; this program provides managment for individuals of their HIV and hepatitis treatment.
- Additional periodicals & printed brochures: "The Hepatitis C and Hepatitis C-HIV Co-Infection Handbook" (In English & Spanish), "What you need to know about HIV/HCV coinfection", and Fact Sheets covering many various topics.
- Monthly treatment training for case managers and other allied professionals
- The NATAP national education program provides HIV and hepatitis treatment education in other cities outside NYC. Contact us for more information: info@natap.org
A Message from Jules Levin,
Executive Director, Editor, NATAP
As a person living with HIV and Hepatitis, I am well aware of the importance of having access to quality, current treatment information as well as having a group that will advocate and lobby on our behalf. I founded NATAP in order to address these needs. Poor treatment decisions are not uncommon due to inadequate knowledge of treatment options. Sub-optimal treatment causes drug resistance and treatment failure which can reduce a patient's quality and length of life.
I began the NATAP radio show, "Living Well With HIV and Hepatitis," in July of 1999 in order to reach individuals who did not have access to the treatment information which was being offered in more traditional ways such as newsletters, public forums and the internet. Since treatment options are so frequently changing, having a weekly radio show enables the public to receive the most current information in a convenient and confidential manner. I find it very satisfying to be able to offer this service to the community. |
NATAP Reports Newsletter
Our newsletter has become a widely recognized and respected source for current, comprehensive, scientifically based treatment information. Our newsletters are filled withover 25 pages of information about major conferences and summaries of new developments in research. Our subscription base of over 17,000 individuals. Severalthousand leading HIV treating physicians receive our newsletter, and bulk shipments are distributed to AIDS organizations and clinics. The newsletter reaches individualsand organizations in over 40 countries within five continents. Jules writes, edits, and publishes the newsletter. Content is also contributed by prominent medical providersand researchers.
Our web site is read all over the world and is recognized as a leading reliable source of HIV and Hepatitis treatment information for doctors, patients, and others. The information on the site is scientifically oriented, abundant, and comprehensive in its coverage of both HIV and Hepatitis. The site is regularly updated with new articles, studies and highlights from various major conferences. Leading HIV and Hepatitis researchers and treating physicians regularly contribute to the website. We also offer an entire section devoted solely to HCV with easy to understand basic information, as well as advanced scientific information. There is also a new feature where a panel of expert physicians will answer HCV questions that are emailed to our site.
Women's Program
Currently, the group with the highest rate of new HIV infections is young women of color. This program provides education to women regarding their special needs. NATAP visits prisons and Women's Programs throughout the New York City area. These trainings address barriers to treatment and women specific issues like disclosure, raising children, negotiating safe sex, and other health care concerns. In October, 2000, approximately 450 women attended a forum devoted solely to women's treatment issues. In February, 2000 NATAP held an HIV/Hepatitis Co-infection Forum for about 700 attendees which was broadcast live over the internet and is currently archived on our web site.
"Living Well with HIV and Hepatitis"
Airs every Sunday night from 11:00pm to Midnight on WOR 710am, which has been one of the leading talk radio station in New York City for many years. "Living Well With HIV & Hepatitis" was created to provide convenient, accessible, anonymous treatment information to the public. Each week Jules conducts an hour long, in-depth discussion on the latest information on treatment and policy with a different distinguished researcher or treating physician. We consistently attract over 30,000 listeners each week making us one of the top ten rated radio shows in our time slot among NYC stations.
Many of the leading HIV and Hepatitis researchers from around the world have been guests on the show. The HIV topics have been diverse: with what and when to
begin therapy, resistance and resistance testing, salvage therapy, monitoring viral load, co-infection with HIV and Hepatitis, etc. Much discussion has been devoted to co-infection with Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV.
E-mail Treatment Update
The most current treatment information available is provided to thousands of individuals through this service. Subscribers from all over the world receive free daily email treatment updates on both HIV and HCV/HIV co-infection. Our program has become very well known and embraced for its convenience and reliability. Please send your email address to info@natap.org in order to enroll in this free service.
It's estimated that 30-90% of HIV+ individual also have Hepatitis C. In particular, in NYC 70-90% of persons contracting HIV through IVDUs are estimated to also have Hepatitis. NATAP is a leader in providing Hepatitis treatment education and advocacy in NewYork City and other cities.
Community Treatment Education Program
This program targets underserved communities of color throughout New York City. We provide services for over 60 community-based organizations ranging from Adult
Day Healthcare centers to drug treatment agencies to medical clinics to HIV residences to state-authorized needle exchange programs. The goal of the Treatment Education program is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about his or her medical care. Through regular on-site visits NATAP treatment educators deliver a curriculum (in English or Spanish) designed to arm participants with the cutting edge information they need to recieve the best treatment possible. The curriculum covers a comprehensive series of topics delivered in sequential visits andcovers HIV and HCV/HIV coinfection. The length of time spent at a site varies and is dependent on the needs of the group. NATAP educators are responsible for ensuring that the information is presented in an appropriate and easy to understand way. To complement our educators, NATAP brings in expert guest speakers to discuss specialized topics such as STDs, neuropathy, nutrition, and Hepatitis.
Case Manager Treatment Trainings
NATAP provides a monthly treatment training for case managers and other allied professionals working with people infected with HIV and hepatitis. These trainings take attendees through a full curriculum, educating about the basics of HIV treatment and the latest developments in research and treatment. Researchers and treating physicians often provide presentations. Participants receive a Certification of Completion, and there has been tremendous interest in these trainings.
If you would like information about our program, please contact our office at (212) 219-0106.