Ask our hepatitis experts your questions about-HCV.
This is a truly unique opportunity for you to ask these experts your questions about Hepatitis and HCV/HIV Coinfection. Many HIV-infected individuals are also infected with Hepatitis C or B or triply infected with
HBV/HCV/HIV. This problem has emerged as a major medical concern by patients and medical providers. We are all concerned about how Hepatitis infection will effect our health and longevity, about what
treatment to take, and when to begin therapy.
At this time Dr. David Bernstein, Dr. Ray Chung, and Dr. Maribel Rodriguez are currently dealing with a large back-log of Hepatitis C related questions. We have temporarily halted the "Ask Us Your Questions" section of the NATAP website to allow them to catch up. We apologize for any inconvenience and we hope to return this service to you soon. We thank you for your patience.
Or look through our ANSWERS  page (based on questions sent to the doctors)... |
DISCLAIMER: NATAP is very pleased to have this opportunity to provide information helpful to you in better understanding your treatment options. But, it is important to bear in mind that any information offered by
the answers to your questions are only meant to be informational for you. The answers by Dr Chung and Dr Rodriguez are not meant to serve as medical advice. It is impossible and inappropriate for us to make
treatment decisions or recommendations for you using this forum. Please make sure that you consult with your doctors about information you may receive that you feel influences your options. Thank you.JL
NATAP is very pleased and proud to offer to you this opportunity to ask your questions of our experts. NATAP believes that the more information you have, the better able you are to make the best treatment
decisions for yourself. Please address your question to Dr. Chung and/or Dr Rodriguez. All questions will also be reviewed by Jules Levin and additional comments may be added by him. Here are some areas of
uncertainty that may stimulate ideas for your questions:
- Will coinfected persons respond the same to HCV therapy as persons infected with HCV alone?
- When should a biopsy be performed, and should one be concerned about risks?
- What is the role of Liver Function Tests (ALT, AST) in diagnosing liver disease?
- Who should be treated for Hepatitis, with what, and when?
- Pegylated interferon is the new development in treating Hepatitis C.
- What are the side effects of this treatment for Hepatitis C? And what are the responses to therapy seen so far in studies?
- HIV-infected individuals already may have low White or Red Blood Cell Counts. How will this be affected by interferon and ribavirin, the treatment for HCV, which can also cause reduced White & Red Blood Cell counts?