10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections  
Boston, Mass, Feb 10-14, 2003 |
- Retro - Progress in Pharmacology and Drug Interactions From the 10th CROI - (5/16/03)
- Interview With Dale Kempf (Abbott Labs) Discussing Kaletra Resistance (4/9/03)
- Assessment of the Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetic Interaction of Lopinavir/ritonavir with Nelfinavir (3/31/03)
- Preliminary Study of Fosomax for Bone Mineral Loss in HIV (3/31/03)
- Heart Disease in HIV: Retrovirus Report (3/28/03)
- Cardiovascular Disease in HIV - Written by Carl J. Fichtenbaum, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine University of Cincinnati College of Medicine(3/20/03)
- Immune Reconstitution in Older HIV+ Individuals Written by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center - (3/20/03)
- RNA interference (RNAi): a recently discovered part of the machinery of the human cell, and a novel possibility for future therapy Written by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center - (3/20/03)
- DAPD in 18 Treatment Experienced Patients - (3/17/03)
- PRO 542: phase 1 study, drug administered by IV infusion - (3/17/03)
- The Ongoing Story of Kaletra Resistance - (3/17/03)
- Hepatitis C at Retrovirus Conference - (3/13/03)
- Antiretroviral therapy: the main studies I Dr Graeme Moyle MD, MBBS, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK. - (3/13/03)
- Switch From Protease Inhibitor regimen to Once Daily Efavirenz Regimen Including FTC & ddI - (3/11/03)
- Incidence of Lipoatrophy and Lipohypertrophy in the Women's Interagency HIV Study - (3/10/03)
- Fat and Bone: What D:A:D Says and Other Strangeness at CROI David Alain Wohl, MD - The University of North Carolina - (3/10/03)
- Evidence Suggesting Mitochondrial Toxicity in HIV/HCV Co-infected Patients Receiving Ribavirin and Didanosine - (3/10/03)
- TNX-355, anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody: Safety and preliminary Anti-HIV Activity - (3/10/03)
- L-Carnitine Prevents Mitochondrial and Metabolic Disturbances Induced by Very High Dose of Stavudine in Mice - (3/7/03)
- Niacin in HIV-infected Individuals with Hyperlipidemia Receiving Potent Antiretroviral Therapy: lipids improve, glucose measures may worsen - (3/7/03)
- Impact of Host Genetics on Clinical Outcomes Ronald Swanstrom, Ph.D. UNC Center For AIDS Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill- (3/6/03)
- Hepatitis C & B Report from Retrovirus Nancy Shulman, MD, Stanford University- (3/6/03)
- Opportunustic Infections Report from Retrovirus Written for NATAP by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas Sothwestern Medical Center, VA Medical Cente - (3/6/03)
- New HIV Drugs at Retrovirus 2003 Written by Mike Youle, MD, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK - (3/3/03)
- Low-Dose Pegylated-Interferon in Early HIV to Reduce Viral Reservoir: pilot study - (3/3/03)
- Entry Inhibitors, The How and Why of New Agents at Retrovirus: an Update Reported by Christopher D. Pilcher, M.D. UNC at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research - (3/3/03)
- The New AIDS Fight: A Plan as Simple as ABC - (3/3/03)
- The 2NN Study: a comparison between efavirenz and nevirapine By Dr Graeme Moyle MD, MBBS, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London, UK - (3/3/03)
- STI and immunology summary CROI Mark Dybul, MD National Institute of Health - (3/3/03)
- Unsafe Sex is Common Among HIV-Infected Prisoners Shortly After Release (2/20/03)
- CDC Reports HIV Increases, AIDS Cases May Be Rising; Internet Sex and Released Prisoners May Contribute - (2/28/03)
- Review of Resistance at Retrovirus Conference Andrew R. Zolopa, MD Stanford University - (2/28/03)
- Slower Disease Progression and Greater CD4 Response to Antiretroviral Treatment in HIV Patients Co-infected with GBV-C - (2/26/03)
- Retroconference Update: HIV and Women Written for NATAP by Judith Aberg, MD, Washington University, St Louis, MO, ACTG - (2/24/03)
- Predictive Value of Early Virological Response (12 Weeks) to Pegylated Interferon plus Ribavirin in HIV-HCV Co-infected Patients - (2/24/03)
- Persistent HIV Despite Full Suppression by HAART - (2/24/03)
- High Indinavir Plasma Concentrations in HIV-1 Patients Co-infected with Hepatitis B or C Virus Receiving Indinavir and Ritonavir Low Dosages: A GENOPHAR Substudy - (2/24/03)
  "Pharmacokinetics of Single and Multiple Oral Doses of UK-427,857-A Novel CCR5 Antagonist in Healthy Volunteers" - (2/24/03)  
- ACUTE HIV INFECTION: THE ENGINE OF HIV TRANSMISSION and A PRIME TARGET FOR ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY; odds of transmission per sex act Reported by Christopher D. Pilcher, MD of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research - (2/24/03)
- HAART to HEART: cardiovascular risk in HIV Written for NATAP by Judith Aberg, MD, Washington University, St Louis, MO, ACTG - (2/24/03)
- Tenofovir vs d4T, week 96; And, Once Daily Therapies - (2/20/03)
- Adverse Events Associated with Tenofovir: reported at Retrovirus Conference 2003 - (2/19/03)
- Tipranavir Report: phase II dose study - (2/19/03)
- N-N-N-Non-nucleosides: one, the other, or both? Reported by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center - (2/18/03)
- "908": New Formulation of Amprenavir - (2/18/03)
- Older Age is Associated with Reduced Naive T-cell Responses to Antiretroviral Therapy: 48-week Results of ACTG Protocol 5015 - (2/18/03)
- Treatment Interruptions, STIs Written by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas, Southwsetern Medical Center - (2/18/03)
- New antiretroviral agents: bright lights on the horizon Written by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas, Southwsetern Medical Center - (2/18/03)
- HCV, GBV-C, and Hepatic Complications in HIV infected Persons Written by David Thomas, MD, Johns Hopkins University College of Medicine - (2/18/03)
- Persistent and Pesky: residual replicating HIV and latent reservoirs including genital secretions Written by David Margolis, MD, University of Texas, Southwsetern Medical Center - (2/18/03)
- More on Viral Reservoirs and Transmission - (2/18/03)
- Retro - 2NN: compares nevirapine & efavirenz - (2/14/03)
- TMC-114: new protease inhibitor for PI-resistance - (2/13/03)
- Tenofovir vs d4T, 96 Week Study Results - (2/13/03)
- New HIV Antiretroviral Drugs: atazanavir, T-1249, plus more - (2/11/03)
- Opening Plenary Session - (2/11/03)