Interscience Conference on Antimicrobal Agents and Chemotherapy
December 16-19, 2005 Washington DC
- Abnormal Thyroid Function in Children With HIV Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (01/09/06)
- Pegasys/RBV in APRICOT Study- Adherence Improves SVR 300% in genotype 1 (01/09/06)
- Coinfection Report from ICAAC 2005: 33% of coinfected with normal ALT had advanced liver disease in Spanish study (01/09/06)
- Non-AIDS "Events," Lipids, and Crusty Coronary Arteries Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (01/05/06)
- Insulin Resistance, Low risk of Efavirenz Rash after NVP Rash, Preventing Newfill/Sculptra Papules Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (01/05/06)
Antiretroviral Interactions With Anti-TB Drugs Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (01/05/06)
HIV/HCV Coinfection: Impact of Antiretrovirals-and peg-IFN Without Antiretrovirals-on HIV Load Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (01/05/06)
- Novel First-Line Tactic: Are They Necessary?
--Tight Viral Control During 1st 18 Months of HAART= fewer deaths
Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (12/29/05)
TNX-355, New HIV Drug, at ICAAC (12/27/05)
In Vitro Antiretroviral Activity of the Humanized Anti-CD4 Monoclonal Antibody, TNX-355, against CCR5, CXCR4, and Dual-Tropic Isolates and Synergy with Enfuvirtide (12/27/05)
- Differences in Treatment Compliance Between Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) Given Once (QD) Versus Twice (BID) Daily Do Not Affect Virologic or Immunologic Outcomes (12/27/05)
- News on Four New Antiretrovirals From ICAAC (12/27/05)
- The Different Clinical Pharmacology of Elvucitabine (B-L-Fd4C) Enables the Nuke Drug to be Given in a Safe and Effective Manner with Innovative Dosing Regimens (12/27/05)
- Four Drugs Versus Three-and a Four-Nucleoside Combo Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (12/27/05)
- African-Americans in ACTG 5095 & HCV Coinfected had shorter time to virologic failure Written for NATAP by Mark Mascolini (12/27/05)
African-Americans Have Faster Viral failure in 5095 (12/20/05)
- TNX-355 in combination with Optimized Background Regimen (OBR) Exhibits Greater Antiviral Activity than OBR Alone in HIV-Treatment Experienced Patients (12/20/05)
Increased ARV Potency by the Addition of Fuzeon to 4-Drug Regimen in ARV Naive (12/20/05)
- Rising Multiple-Dose Assessment of Vicriviroc - Similar Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics in Uninfected and HIV-Infected Adults (12/20/05)
In Vitro Anti-HIV-1 Activity of Vicriviroc (SCH 417690) in Combination With Other Antiretroviral Drugs and Against Resistant HIV-1 Strains (12/20/05)
- Prospective Study of Glucose Metabolism in Antiretroviral Naive HIV-Infected Patients: Incidence of Insulin Resistance at 48 Weeks of HAART (12/20/05)
ATV vs NFV: heart disease risk (12/20/05)
- Kaletra Tablet: PK/adverse events in healthy volunteers (12/20/05)
- New CCR5 Inhibitor Zinc Finger Proteins (12/20/05)
- Towards Gene Knock Out Therapy for AIDS/HIV: Targeted Disruption of CCR5 Using Engineered Zinc Finger Protein Nucleases (ZFNs) (12/20/05)
- 13% Insulin Resistance in ART-Naive; Nevirapine is Only drug associated with Not causing insulin resistance development (12/20/05)
- TMC114/r POWER 2: Adverse events & Safety profile (12/19/05)
- Efficacy and tolerability of TMC125 in HIV patients with NNRTI and PI resistance at 24 weeks: TMC125-C223 (12/19/05)
- POWER 2 (TMC114-C202 study) Week 24 efficacy analysis (12/19/05)
- Safety and Antiviral Activity of PA-457, the First-In-Class Maturation Inhibitor, in a 10-Day Monotherapy Study in HIV-1 Infected Patients (12/19/05)
- Entecavir in HIV/HBV Coinfection - week 48 Results (ETV-038) (12/19/05)
- New Protease Inhibitor GW640385/RTV (12/19/05)