Acute HBV & HCV Infection Among MSM: CDC Data from Population-Based Surveillance, 2006-2008
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC Sept 15 2009 San Francisco
D Daniels, TM Klevens, N Harris, R Jiles
Div of Viral Hepatitis, CSC Atlanta, Ga
From Jules: This CDC reports only 14 adult MSM who are infected with acute HCV. Of these 14 6/12 report injection drug use, 9/12 report multiple sex partners, 0/6 report sexual contact with a confirmed or suspected case of HCV, and 12/14 report 1 or more drug or sexual risk factors listed above. As you may know European researchers from major cities in Western Europe including London and Paris have reported numerous cases at conferences of acute HCV among MSM with HIV due to unsafe sexual behavior and not IV drug use. Here in the USA the only recent research into this phenomenon has come out of NYC's Mt Sinai Hospital and Daniel Fierer, MD who has conducted research and reports finding a similar phenomenon and in addition reports accelerated HCV progression among already HIV-infected individuals who then experience acute HCV-infection, and these individuals are reportedly infected through unsafe sex. This CDC report below reported at ICAAC is data collected through the CDC surveillance system, while the European data was collected and reported by the hospital clinics in London and other cities, so a more reliable system. In the USA prior to the Mt Sinai reporting the only organized data reported was from San Francisco, but on the whole there has not been a concerted effort from major USA cities to try to gather this kind of data. Granted the care system and the epidemic is different between Western Europe and the USA where I think it allows hospital clinics in Western Europe to be more able to collect this type of information. Here in the USA we have a large patient population of African-Americans infected with HCV and HCV/IV coinfection through IV drug use and our hospital clinics are consumed with this epidemic with large numbers of patients. While in Western Europe they do not have as many HIV patients, here in the USA we have 1 million with HIV diagnosed and the numbers in Europe are much smaller. This allows the Europeans to focus much more on MSM in their clinics and the epidemic of HIV+ MSM who contract HCV through sexual transmission by unsafe behavior, perhaps HCV infection as has been reported is due to the recent increased phenomenon of circuit sex patties in major Western European cities, and also the apparent and reported connection of infected individuals who appear to travel between these cities and the phylogentic connections researched and reported between MSM purported traveling between these cities. This phenomenon if it exists in the USA has not been researched and reported.
An On-going Outbreak of Acute HCV in HIV-infected Men in New York
Nov 1, 2008 ...
We therefore recommend that HIV-infected MSM be considered a risk group for HCV infection and that at least yearly screening for HCV ...
Evidence of a large, International Network of HCV Transmission in ...
The emergence of HCV as an STI among HIV-positive MSM has potentially serious ....Overall, 168 of 200 (84%) MSM harbored an HCV strain that was most ...
Evidence of international transmission of HCV in pan-European ...
Study population was HIV+ MSM diagnosed with recent HCV since 2000 comprised ... 73% (122/166) of MSM have HCV closely related strains to 3 1 MSM of another ...
Liver Fibrosis (accelerated) during an Outbreak of Acute Hepatitis ...
Regular screening of MSM for HCV antibodies is not currently recommended by US or international HIV-care guidelines, and ALT elevations during acute HCV ...
Acute hepatitis C in men who have sex with men (MSM) is not only ...
The authors summarize in their abstract: There has been, and continues to be a significant increase in acute HCV in MSM. Contrary to current evidence, ...
HCV Emerging as New Sexually Transmitted Disease in MSM With HIV
Aug 8, 2008 ... Prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection quadrupled among HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM) in Amsterdam over the past 8 ...
Epidemic of Acute HCV Among MSM in Europe and New York City
There were several posters at CROI reporting studies of acute HCV among MSM in New York City and in Western Europe in the UK, Amsterdam, and France. ...
Liver Fibrosis in an Outbreak of Acute HCV in HIV-infected MSM ...
Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study of HIV-infected MSM with acute HCVinfection to evaluate liver histology and risk factors for acquisition ...
HCV Sexual Transmission --MSM & Heterosexual
Oct 29, 2003 ... Acute HCV Infection Among MSM in London, UK Mark Danta and colleagues from the Royal Free Hospital, London, UK reported on a study at the ...
Hepatitis C Viremia following Sustained Virological Response to ...
To investigate whether sexual transmission of HCV among HIV+ MSM is ... Date of origin for each MSM-specific HCV cluster will be estimated using a molecular ...
Unsafe Sex and Increased Incidence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection ...
HCV infection incidence in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study was mainly associated with IDU. In HIV-infected MSM, HCV infection was associated with unsafe sex. ...
The Risk For Sexual Transmission of the Hepatitis C Virus: MSM ...
The contribution of sexual transmission between men who have sex with men (MSM) to the spread of hepatitis C is unclear, however evidence is accumulating ...
Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis C for MSM & Heterosexual Women ...
HIV infection and/or mucosal trauma caused by extreme sexual techniques and concurrent STD might facilitate sexual transmission of HCV in MSM ...
Acute HCV in MSM in London
Conclusions: There has been, and continues to be a significant increase in acute HCV inMSM. Contrary to available evidence, this phenomenon is not ...
