49th ICAAC
San Francisco, CA
September 12-15, 2009 |
- ICAAC: HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in the Era of Potent Antiretroviral Therapy: risk factors/prevalence, CSF HIV-RNA, HCV, ART PK/penetration, assessment tools - (10/04/09)
- Acute HBV & HCV Infection Among MSM: CDC Data from Population-Based Surveillance, 2006-2008 - (09/25/09)
- Differential Effects of Maraviroc (MVC) and Efavirenz (EFV) on Markers of Immune Activation (IA) and Inflammation and Their Association with CD4 Cell Rises: A Sub-analysis of the MERIT -(09/21/09)
- MERIT: Week 96 Virologic Response and
Tropism at Virologic Failure by Baseline CD4+ Cell Count - (09/21/09)
- Maraviroc (MVC) is Similar to Efavirenz (EFV) for Virologic Response (VR) Across Subgroups: MERIT 96-Week -(09/21/09)
- Safety and Effectiveness of Raltegravir-based HAART in HIV-Subjects after Solid Organ Transplantation -(09/20/09)
24 Week Safety and Efficacy from IMPAACT P1066: A Phase I/II, Multicenter, Open-Label, Noncomparative Study to Evaluate Raltegravir (RAL) in HIV-1 Infected Youth - (09/20/09)
- Phenotypic Screening for HIV Tropism versus both Population-based and "Deep" Sequencing - (09/20/09)
- Direct comparison with 454 pyrosequencing validates V3-loop based genotyping in patients eligible for Maraviroc initiation - (09/20/09)
- Prediction of HIV Disease Progression Using a Modification of the Enhanced Sensitivity (ES) Trofile Assay - (09/20/09)
- Prevalence of HIV-1 CCR5 Co-Receptor Tropism Differs by Env (gp41) Subtype in a Large Commercial Dataset - (09/20/09)
- The composition of dual-mixed HIV-1 populations can be discerned from the level of CXCR4-mediated infectivity - (09/20/09)
Incorporation of Optimized Primers into the Trofile Assay Substantially Improves Determination of Viral Tropism in Genetically Diverse HIV Subtypes - (09/20/09)
"Deep" Sequencing to Quantify in vivo Viral Fitness after Transmission of Resistant HIV - (09/20/09)
- Raltegravir in CSF: "Raltegravir Concentrations in CSF Exceed The Median Inhibitory Concentration" - (09/20/09)
Darunavir in the CSF: "Darunavir Concentrations in CSF Exceed The Median Inhibitory Concentration" - (09/20/09)
- ART Helps Bring Lungs Up to Par in Nonsmokers, But Not Smokers - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/19/09)
- Pharmacokinetics and Safety of a Novel 100 mg Tablet Formulation of MPC-4326 in Subjects with HIV-1 Infection - (09/19/09)
- The Effect of Ritonavir-Boosted Protease Inhibitors on the HIV Integrase Inhibitor, S/GSK1349572, in Healthy Subjects - (09/19/09)
- Lack of Interaction between the HIV Integrase Inhibitor, S/GSK1349572, and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) in Healthy Subjects - (09/19/09)
- Meta-Analysis of Safety for Short-term Dosing of an HIV Integrase Inhibitor, S/GSK1349572, from Seven Clinical Studies - (09/19/09)
- In Vitro Passage of Drug Resistant HIV-1 against a Next Generation Integrase Inhibitor (INI), S/GSK1349572 - (09/19/09)
- Evaluation of Antacid and Multivitamin (MVI) Effects on S/GSK1349572 Pharmacokinetics (PK) in Healthy Subjects - (09/19/09)
- Endothelial Function Drops in First Month of Antiretroviral Therapy - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/18/09)
- Peripheral Endothelial Function is Reduced after Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in Treatment Naïve HIV Patients: A Prospective Longitudinal Study (09/18/09)
- Steady State Evaluation of Two Extended Release (XR) Nevirapine (NVP) Tablets 400 mg QD Compared with Immediate Release (IR) NVP Tablets 200 mg BID in HIV-1 Infected Patients (09/18/09)
- Pharmacokinetic interaction between etravirine and lopinavir/ritonavir (09/18/09)
- Bevirimat Antiviral Activity & Safety, 14-Day Monotherapy Study (09/18/09)
- GRACE (Gender, Race And Clinical Experience): Outcomes by Race at Week 48 (09/17/09)
- Sharp Drop in ICU Mortality After Introduction of HAART in Netherlands - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Vicriviroc Long-term Safety and Efficacy:
96-Week Results from the Extension of VICTOR-E1 Stud - (09/17/09)
- INSPIRE Study: Effects of r-hIL-7 on T Cell Recovery and Thymic Output in HIV-infected Patients Receiving c-ART - Interim Analysis of a Phase I/IIa Multicenter Study - (09/17/09)
- Pharmacokinetic Boosting of Atazanavir with the Pharmacoenhancer GS-9350 versus Ritonavir - (09/17/09)
- Effect of Food on Pharmacokinetics of Elvitegravir, Emtricitabine, Tenofovir DF and the Pharmacoenhancer GS-9350 as a Fixed- Dose Combination Tablet - (09/17/09)
- Fasted Lipid Changes after Administration of Maraviroc or Efavirenz, both with Zidovudine and Lamivudine, to Treatment-Naive HIV-Infected Patients: 96-Week Results from MERIT - (09/17/09)
- Antiviral Activity of S/GSK1265744, a Once-Daily, Unboosted Integrase Inhibitor in Clinical Development, Evaluated in Phase 1-2a Study in Healthy and HIV-Infected Subjects GSK press release - (09/17/09)
- Improvement in Fasting Lipids but Minimal Recovery of Limb Fat Were Seen 96 Weeks After Switching from Lamivudine/Zidovudine Plus Efavirenz to Fixed-Dose Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir DF in HIV-Infected Patients - (09/17/09)
- Phase 2a Study of PRO 140 in HIV-Infected Adults - (09/17/09)
- Can IL-7 Succeed Where IL-2 Failed in People With HIV? - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Once-Daily Replacement Raltegravir as Good as Twice-Daily in Pilot Trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
Another Small Study Suggests Viability of
Unboosted Atazanavir/Raltegravir Maintenance - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Faster Viral Decay With Nevirapine Than Atazanavir/Ritonavir in ARTEN Trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Gut-Shielding Mix Slows CD4 Drop in People Not Taking Antiretrovirals - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Gilead GS-9350 Protease Inhibitor Booster - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Raltegravir Reaches Good Nervous System Levels 4.3 Fold x EC50 - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- GSK "Backup" Integrase Inhibitor Looks Strong in People With HIV: 10-day monotherapy study - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/17/09)
- Early Virological and Immunological Response is Comparable between Nevirapine and RTV-boosted Atazanavir: An ARTEN Sub-analysis - (09/17/09)
- A Pilot Study assessing Raltegravir QD versus BID in HIV patients included in a Simplification Trial - (09/17/09)
- Dual Maintenance Therapy with Raltegravir 400 mg BID with Atazanavir 400 mg qD in Patients with no Prior PI Resistance and Intolerance to Other ARV Regimens: Preliminary Report - (09/17/09)
- Discovery of GS-9350: A Novel Pharmacoenhancer without Anti-HIV Activity - (09/17/09)
- Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Safety in Healthy and HIV-Infected Subjects and Short-Term Antiviral Efficacy of S/GSK1265744, a Next Generation Once Daily HIV Integrase Inhibitor - (09/17/09)
- Metabolic Profiles and Body Composition Changes in Treatment-Naïve HIV-Infected Patients Treated with Raltegravir 400 mg bid-based vs. Efavirenz 600 mg qhs-based Combination Therapy: 48-Week Data - (09/17/09)
- Antiviral Activity of S/GSK1265744, a Once-Daily, Unboosted Integrase Inhibitor in Clinical Development, Evaluated in Phase 1-2a Study in Healthy and HIV-Infected Subjects - (09/14/09)
- Weighted Antiretroviral Sensitivity Score May Be
Better Predictor of Short-Term Response - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- Seven Short Studies Suggest Good Safety Profile of New Integrase Inhibitor - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- Merck's ISENTRESS (raltegravir) Tablets Studied in Comparison to Efavirenz in Combination Therapy Through 96 Weeks in HIV-1 Treatment-Naïve Patients - Merck press release - (09/14/09)
Raltegravir Demonstrates Durable Efficacy Through 96 Weeks: Results from STARTMRK, A Phase III Study of Raltegravir-based vs. Efavirenz-based Therapy in Treatment-Naïve HIV+ Patients - (09/14/09)
- Effects of CYP2B6 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Substance Abuse on Efavirenz (EFV) Pharmacokinetics - (09/14/09)
- Tobacco and Marijuana Uses Significantly Decrease Atazanavir (ATV) Trough Concentrations in HIV Infected Individuals - (09/14/09)
- Pharmacokinetic interaction between darunavir in combination with low-dose ritonavir and buprenorphine/naloxone - (09/14/09)
- Early Changes in HCV Viral Load During the First 24 Hours of Treatment Exhibit a Very High Negative Predictive Value of Sustained Virological Response in HCV/HIV Coinfected Patients - (09/14/09)
- Role for Short-Term Enfuvirtide to Boost CD4s After Late Diagnosis? - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- Lab Study Suggests High Barrier to Resistance With New Integrase Inhibitor - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- Smoking and Drinking Alcohol Linked to Lower Efavirenz Levels - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- Tobacco and Marijuana Tied to Lower Atazanavir Concentrations - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- DC Emergency Patients Who Decline HIV Test Have Twice Higher HIV Rate - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- Impact of One-Time or Annual HIV Screening on Life Expectancy in France - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)
- HCV Load Decay in First Day of PegIFN Treatment Predicts Long-Term Failure - written by Mark Mascolini - (09/14/09)