Low HCV Testing Uptake of the Current Birth Cohort Guidelines....HCV Cascade
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2015 Feb 23-26, Seattle, WA
Alexander Geboy1, Hyun Cha1, Idene Perez1, Matthew Bell1, Sandeep Mahajan2, Adebisi Ayodele2, Dawn Fishbein2
1MedStar Health Research Institute, Hyattsville, MD, 2MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.
.......[at inner-city Wash DC clinic where 85% tested areAfrican-Americans......"The HCV Ab+ prevalence rate of 7.5% remained consistent over the two years and is significantly higher than the CDC Birth Cohort rate of 3.25% (p<0.001) and the DC rate of 2.5% (p<0.001).....13% of bAA men tested were HCV Ab+, 6% of b/AA women were HCV Ab+.......the HCV Ab+ prevalence rate of 12.8% among b/AA men has remained consistent, and is statistically greater than the 8% reported by the CDC (p<0.001). It is remains clear that a better effort needs to be made to engage this population into care......Overall testing uptake remains low at 24%, and the missed opportunity rate of 28% is unacceptable, despite educational sessions, talks, prompts to encourage testing uptake"
