22nd Conference on Retroviruses and
Opportunistic Infections
Seattle Washington Feb 23 - 26, 2015
Expert Reports at CROI
- HIV and Cardiovascular Disease: Report back from 2015 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections by Priscilla Hsue MD - Professor of Medicine, UCSF - (04/08/15)
- CROI 2015 Metabolic Report: Vital Organs and HIV (and commentary by Jules Levin) - David Alain Wohl, MD - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - (04/07/15)
- Bone, Frailty and Vitamin D at CROI 2015 - Todd Brown, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology Johns Hopkins University - (03/30/15)
- Clinical Pharmacology at CROI 2015 - Courtney V. Fletcher, Pharm.D. Dean and Professor Anthony T. Podany, Pharm.D. Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198 - (03/30/15)
- Summary from CROI 2015 for Hepatitis C HIV/HCV coinfected patients are no longer a difficult to treat special patient population. What can we learn from new clinical phase III studies and feedback from real-life cohorts receiving modern DAA-based therapy? - Jurgen K. Rockstroh M.D., Professor of Medicine University of Bonn, Germany - (03/24/15)
- Antiretrovirals CROI 2015 Summary - Joseph Eron MD Professor of Medicine University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - (03/24/15)
- HIV Virology and "Cure" Science at CROI 2015 - by David Margolis MD UNC Chapel Hill & the Collaboratory of AIDS Researchers for Eradication (CARE) - (03/18/15)
- HIV Prevention at CROI 2015 - Jared Baeten, MD PhD Connie Celum, MD MPH University of Washington -
- The Kidney at CROI 2015
- Written by Lene Ryom PhD
CHIP, Department of Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, Section 2100, Rigshospitalet - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Christina Wyatt MD
Associate Professor, Medicine/ Nephrology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY - (03/06/15)
- CROI 2015 - Metabolics / Aging, Senescence / Comorbidities / Inflammation - 3 Exercise Studies / Heart Disease / Statins / Cancers / The Kidney / Bone / TAF / The Brain - neurologic function - (04/01/15)
- HCV at CROI 2015 - 38 Reports + Cost-Effectiveness studies recently published, recent NYS Medicaid Hearing results - (04/01/15)
- HIV PrEP at CROI - (04/13/15)
- Persistently Elevated Macrophage Activation in HIV+ Women Reporting Heavy Alcohol Use (>7 drinks a week); alcohol & CVD in HIV+ VA men - (04/20/15)
- Less Bone Loss with a Maraviroc Regimen in HIV-infected Treatment-Naïve Subjects - (04/06/15)
- Body Composition Changes - ART, Raltegravir - (04/06/15)
- Evaluation of the ACC/AHA CVD Risk Prediction Algorithm Among HIV-Infected Patients - (04/01/15)
- IL-6 and CD8 Senescence Independently Associate With Atherosclerosis in Treated HIV - (04/01/15)
- HIV-Infected Persons with Type 2 Diabetes have Evidence of Endothelial Dysfunction - (04/01/15)
- IL-6 is a stronger predictor of clinical events than hsCRP or D-dimer in HIV disease - SMART/ESPIRIT - (04/01/15)
- Impact of EFV PK/PG on Neuropsychological Performance in Older HIV+ Patients - (03/30/15)
- Similar neurocognitive performance in patients on ATV/r monotherapy vs triple therapy - (03/27/15)
- Maraviroc-Enhanced cART Improves Cognition in Virally-Suppressed HAND: A Pilot Study - (03/27/15)
- Suppressive ART is Key to Reduce Neurocognitive Impairment in Aging HIV+ Individuals - (03/27/15)
- HIV DNA and Neurocognitive Impairment in Older and Younger Subjects on Suppressive ART - (03/27/15)
- Modeling the Impact of Deferring HCV Treatment [to F3/F4 vs F2 or sooner: 1 month/year after diagnosis) on Liver-Related Events in HIV+ Patients....outcomes: liver-related events & infectious duration....by Swiss HIV & HCV Cohort....model finds delay in treatment increased 2-times to 5 times risk in developing decompensation, HCC & liver-related death - (03/27/15)
- Majority of HCV/HIV-co-infected patients in the Netherlands remain in need of effective HCV treatment - (03/26/15)
- Non-Risk Based HCV Screening Among Baby Boomers in Surveillance-Identified HIV Risk Areas....30% HCV+ - (03/26/15)
- Multiple Rounds of Activation Induce Replication-Competent HIV-1 from Resting Memory CD4+ T Cells in the Latent Reservoir - (03/26/15)
- Successful Treatment with Direct Acting Antivirals in HIV/HCV Patients ....95% SVR with Sim/Sof in real-world clinic setting/support services - (03/25/15)
- Real-world Data on HIV-Positive Patients with HCV Treated with Sofosbuvir and/or Simeprevir - (03/25/15)
- Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir Regimens for Hepatitis C: Decompensation and Serious Adverse Events - (03/25/15)
- Drug-Drug Interaction Between HCV Inhibitors Grazoprevir/Elbasvir With Dolutegravir - (03/25/15)
- German cohort on sofosbuvir based therapy for HCV/HIV- and HCV-infection (GECOSO) - (03/25/15)
- Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir in HIV/HCV Co-infected Patients With Extensive Liver Fibrosis - (03/25/15)
- Modeling the Impact of Deferring HCV Treatment [to F3/F4 vs F2 or sooner: 1 month/year after diagnosis) on Liver-Related Events in HIV+ Patients....outcomes: liver-related events & infectious duration....by Swiss HIV & HCV Cohort - (03/25/15)
- Majority of HIV/HCV Co-Infected Patients Require Antiretroviral Therapy Switch Prior to Use of Simeprevir .....15% cant switch for resistance etc...31% on boosted PI cant switch - (03/25/15)
- Hematologic Analysis of Paritaprevir(ABT-450)/r/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir + RBV in TURQUOISE-I - (03/25/15)
- Statins Improve SVR, Reduce Fibrosis Progression and HCC Among HCV+ Persons. Statins Reduce Plaque/Halt Carotid Artery Wall Thickening/Improve Kidney - (03/23/15)
- Antiretroviral Concentrations in Brain Tissue Are Similar to or Exceed Those in CSF - (03/23/15)
- Ex vivo identification of highly effective latency-reversing drug combinations - (03/23/15)
- Latency Reversing Agents activate latent reservoirs in the brain of SIV-infected macaques - (03/23/15)
- Predictors and Outcomes of Incident High Cholesterol in Adults on ART in South Africa. Total Cholesterol Associated with Decreased Kidney Function - (03/23/15)
- The Kidney: TAF, Inflammation, Neurocognitive decline associated with renal/CVD markers, integrate inhibitors, early ART/inflammation - (03/23/15)
- Abacavir Use and Risk for Myocardial Infarction in the NA-ACCORD - (03/23/15)
- Incidence and Risk of Myocardial Infarction (MI) by Type in the NA-ACCORD - (03/23/15)
- Higher CD4 at cART Initiation Predicts Long Term Likelihood of CD4 Normalization in the HIV Outpatient Study (HOPS)..... authors: "these data confirm the hazards of delayed cART initiation and support cART initiation at CD4 ≥ 500" - (03/23/15)
- Disparities in HIV viral load suppression among MSM, the HIV Outpatient Study, 2013 - (03/23/15)
- Untimed Drug Levels & Resistance in Patients Experiencing Low-Level Viremia - (03/23/15)
- Marijuana Use Does Not Accelerate Liver Fibrosis in HCV/HIV-Coinfected Women - (03/20/15)
- Portal Pressure Changes After HCV Eradication in HIV/HCV+ Patients With Cirrhosis - (03/20/15)
- Impact of SVR on Liver Decompensation and Hepatic Fibrosis Markers in HIV/HCV - (03/20/15)
- Impact of Integrating EMR HCV Testing Prompts in a Difficult to Navigate EMR System
- (03/20/15)
- Characterization of Naturally Occurring Resistance to HCV NS5A Inhibitors - (03/20/15)
- One Year Results of a Community-Based Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care Program - (03/18/15)
- Altered Body Composition and Inflammation in HIV Infection with Type 2 Diabetes - (03/31/15)
- Bone Turnover on DRV/r + Either RAL or
TDF/FTC as First-Line ART: NEAT 001 / ANRS 143 - (03/31/15)
- Diabetes Mellitus Among HIV-infected Adults in Care in the United States, Medical Monitoring Project, 2009-2010 - (03/31/15)
- Impact of EFV PK/PG on Neuropsychological Performance in Older HIV+ Patients - (03/30/15)
- Steady-state TDF/FTC in Genital, Rectal, and Blood Compartments in Males vs Females - (03/30/15)
- Impact of TDF + PI/r on Renal Function in Sub-Saharan Africa (2LADY/ANRS 12169) - (03/30/15)
- Obesity and Inflammation in Resource-Diverse Settings of Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation - (03/30/15)
- HIV-1 Replication in the CNS Is Associated With Increased Neurocognitive Impairment - (03/30/15)
- Greater CSF HIV Reduction and CSF Rapid
Decay Associated with Improved Neurocognition - (03/30/15)
- Elevated Tenofovir Exposure via Intensive Pharmacokinetic Monitoring is Associated with Progressive Kidney Function Decline - (03/30/15)
- U.S. Population Benefits of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis for Injection Drug Users - (03/30/15)
- Enrollment and preliminary follow-up of injecting drug users receiving pre-exposure prophylaxis in Bangkok - (03/30/15)
- Recent increases in PrEP Utilization at a Boston Community Health Canter 2011-2014: Transition from Research to Clinical Practice - (03/30/15)
- Barriers to Effective Prevention: Applying a PrEP Care Continuum to a US Cohort of Black and White MSM - (03/30/15)
- Provider Prescription of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Infection - (03/30/15)
- Phase 1 Safety & PK Trial of Polyurethane Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Vaginal Ring - (03/30/15)
- ART in Acute Infection, Inflammation/Activation "Largely Disappear" - (03/18/15)
- IL-21 Reduces Inflammation and Virus
Persistence in ART-Treated SIV-Infected Macaques - (03/18/15)
- IL-6 Partially Mediates the Effect of HIV Status on Survival....Inflammation & HIV Associated with Mortality in HIV+ Vets...HIV+ with >500 viral load have 33-100% greater mortality in VA Cohort - (03/16/15)
- Age-Related Morbidities Among HIV-Infected Adults From 2000 to 2010...high comorbidities rate among older >60 & among Blacks....rates increase with age >40 through >60 - (03/16/15)
- HIV DNA and Neurocognitive Impairment in Older and Younger Subjects on Suppressive ART - (03/16/15)
- Inflammatory Biomarkers Decline but Do Not Normalize after 10 Years of cART - (03/16/15)
- Inflammation Persists Despite Early ART in Acute HIV - (03/16/15)
- Safety, Efficacy and Pharmacokinetics of the Integrase Inhibitor-Based E/C/F/TAF Single-Tablet
Regimen in Treatment-Naïve HIV-Infected Adolescents Through 24 Weeks of Treatment - (03/16/15)
Elvitegravir Reduces Monocyte Activation and Vascular Inflammation More than Efavirenz - (03/16/15)
Imaging the Spatial Distribution of Efavirenz in Intact HIV Tissue Reservoirs - (03/16/15)
- Efavirenz Use Is Not Associated With Increased Risk of Neuropsychological Impairment - (03/16/15)
- Body Composition Changes after Initiation of Raltegravir or Protease Inhibitors..... - (03/16/15)
- Early ART and sustained virological suppression limits HIV-1 Proviral DNA reservoir: CHER evidence (mortality increased 76% with early ART) - (03/16/15)
- Impact of Antiretroviral Drugs on Hypertension in HIV-positive Persons: D:A:D Study ......Hypertension in HIV+....not the ARTs...But Established/Tradional Risk Factors....age, ethnicity/Black, lipids, diabetes, lipodystrophy, BMI, eGFR, IDU - (03/16/15)
- Premature Aging and Immune Senescence in HIV-1-Infected Children - (03/16/15)
- HIV induces astrocyte [brain] senescence and is reversed by ß-catenin induction - (03/16/15)
- Microbial Translocation is associated with Neuroinflammation in HIV-infected subjects on ART - (03/16/15)
- Suppressive ART is Key to Reduce Neurocognitive Impairment in Aging HIV+ Individuals - (03/16/15)
- Inflammation, Activation and Lipodystrophy & Comorbidities.... 4 relevant studies below - (03/16/15)
- Geriatric Syndromes are Common Among Older HIV-Infected Adults - (03/16/15)
- Risk Factors for Transmission of HCV among HIV-Infected MSM: a Case-Control Study - (03/13/15)
- Neurocognitive Decline is Associated with Antiretroviral Concentrations in Cerebral Spinal Fluid and Blood - (03/13/15)
- Early ART, Acute HIV & Chronic HIV & Inflammation/Activation, the Gut (Microbial Translocation): "Inflammatory Biomarkers Decline but Do Not Normalize after 10 Years of cART "....."Inflammation Persists Despite Early Initiation of ART in Acute HIV Infection"...... Inflammation in Acute HIV Infection Correlates with Blood and Gut CD4 T-cell Loss and HIV Viral Burden" - (03/13/15)
- Risk of late relapse or re-infection with Hepatitis C after Sustained Virological Response: meta-analysis of 66 studies in 11,071 patients - (03/11/15)
- PCSK9 is Elevated in HIV+ Patients And May Mediate HIV-Associated Dyslipidemia - (03/11/15)
- Avoiding smoking could prevent 37% of non-AIDS cancers in adults with HIV - Mark Mascolini - (03/11/15)
- Asymptomatic genital CMV replication in MSM linked to T-cell exhaustion - Mark Mascolini - (03/11/15)
- Confirmed kidney deficit tied to rising cardiovascular disease incidence in D:A:D......."need intensified monitoring for all types of emerging cardiovascular disease, in particular in older individuals with continuously low eGFR levels, and cincreased focus on applying different renal and cardiovascular preventive measures in HIV-positive persons"
- (03/11/15)
- Factors Associated with extensive Cervical Lesions among HIV-infected Women Screening for ACTG Protocal A5282 - (03/11/15)
- Impaired Cardiac Strain and Biomarkers of Immune Activation in HIV - (03/11/15)
- T-Cell Activation and E-Selectin Associated with Coronary Plaque in HIV-Infected Youth: early predictors of potential heart disease found in HIV+ youth 22 YO - (03/11/15)
- Cerebral Vasoreactivity is Impaired in
Virally Suppressed HIV-infected Individuals - (03/11/15)
- Immunologic Predictors of Bone Loss in a Contemporary HIV Cohort - (03/11/15)
- The impact of physical activity on cognition in men with and without HIV - (03/11/15)
- Selectively Eliminating HIV-Latently Infected Cells Without Viral Reactivation
T-cell marker may take the "shock" out of "shock-and-kill" strategy - Mark Mascolini - (03/10/15)
- Bystander Effect of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors on HIV-1 Infection - (03/10/15)
- Bone density drop over time no greater with than without HIV in Dublin cohort - Mark Mascolini - (03/10/15)
- Access to care up--and so is sexual risk--among US black women in high-AIDS cities.....but almost 50% of US women with HIV not in regular care - Mark Mascolini - (03/10/15)
- Asymptomatic genital CMV replication in MSM linked to T-cell exhaustion - (03/09/15)
- ART soon after infection linked to better CD4 recovery through 10 years - (03/09/15)
- Avoiding smoking could prevent 37% of non-AIDS cancers in adults with HIV....."Smoking Outweighs HIV-related Risk Factors for Non-AIDS-defining Cancers".....'CD4 >200 & viral load matter too in cancer prevention'....modifiable risk factors to prevent cancer - (03/09/15)
- CD4 Measures as Predictors of Lung Cancer Risk and Prognosis in HIV Infection.....cd4 <500 & CD4/CD8 ratio <0.4 associated with increased lung cancer risk - (03/09/15)
- New Zinc Fingers - New FDA IND - New Studies CROI "Data Demonstrate Cytoxan Preconditioning Combined with CD4/CD8 ZFN-modified T-cell Product...." - (03/09/15)
- The Effect of Physical Activity on Cardiometabolic Health and Inflammation in HIV - (03/09/15)
Aerobic Exercise Attenuates Cognitive Decline and Brain Volume Loss Associated With HIV.....from Jules: real-world exercise/diet intervention studies are need - (03/09/15)
- Chronic Hepatitis B and C Infection and Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in HIV Infected Patients - (03/09/15)
- Sofosbuvir, Simeprevir, +/- Ribavirin in HCV G1 Protease Inhibitor-Experienced Patients [14/15 SVR 93%] - (03/09/15)
- Real-World Cost-per-SVR with Simeprevir/Sofosbuvir ± Ribavirin.... 88% SVR/76% SVR in PI-Experienced - (03/09/15)
- Effectiveness of Sofosbuvir/Simeprevir for HIV/HCV Patients in Clinical Practice - (03/09/15)
- Low HCV Testing Uptake of the Current Birth Cohort Guidelines....HCV Cascade - (03/09/15)
- Utility of Hepatitis C Viral Load Monitoring with Ledipasvir ! and Sofosbuvir Therapy ! (week 4 testing in Harvoni NIH study) - (03/09/15)
- CXCR4-using HIV--a tiny population before
stem-cell transplant-becomes major population after - (03/06/15)
- Effect of HIV Co-infection on Adherence to a 12-week regimen of HCV Therapy with Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir - (03/06/15)
- Effect of HIV Co-infection on Adherence to a 12-week regimen of HCV Therapy with Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir - (03/06/15)
- SVR Durability: HCV Patients Treated with IFN-Free DAA Regimens - (03/06/15)
- ALLY Trial Demonstrates 97% Hepatitis C Cure Rates Among Patients Coinfected with HIV After Ribavirin-Free Investigational 12-Week Regimen of Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir - (03/06/15)
- Hepatitis C infection and Cognition in Older HIV+ Adults: Data from the Center of Excellence on Disparities in HIV and Aging (CEDHA) - (03/06/15)
- The Burden of Liver Disease among Persons with Hepatitis C in the United States...."the need is urgent to identify HCV-infected persons & link them to management & care" screening - (03/06/15)
- Has Modern ART Reduced Endstage Liver Disease Risk in HIV-Hepatitis Coinfection? ...... "No clear reduction in ESLD risk was observed over the 3 time periods" - (03/06/15)
- Chronic Kidney Disease Progression after HCV Seroconversion - (03/06/15)
- Impact of SVR on Liver Decompensation and Hepatic Fibrosis Markers in HIV/HCV ...... "SVR Associated with reduced risks of decompensation and death..... No decompensations were observed in HIV/HCV patients who achieved SVR" - (03/06/15)
- Early ART and IPT in HIV-Infected African Adults With High CD4 Count (Temprano Trial)...."Early ART >500 CD4s Significantly reduced Severe HIV Morbidity" - (03/06/15)
- Frailty and Cause-Specific Hospitalization among Aging HIV-Infected and Uninfected Persons - (03/06/15)
- Chronic HIV Infection Exacerbates Cellular Aging Markers in Isolated T cell Subsets - (03/06/15)
- Kidney Dysfunction and Markers of Inflammation in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study - (03/06/15)
- Total and Unbound Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Darunavir/Ritonavir in HIV-1-Infected Pregnant Women - (03/05/15)
- A Dose Escalation Study of
Cyclophosphamide (CTX) to Enhance SB-728-T Engraftment - (03/05/15)
- Integrase Resistance Correlates of Response to Dolutegravir (DTG) Through 48 Weeks - (03/05/15)
- Dolutegravir Resistance Requires Multiple Primary Mutations in HIV-1 Integrase - (03/05/15)
- Consistency of Dolutegravir
Treatment Difference in HIV+ Treatment Naives at Week 96 - (03/05/15)
- Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine As 2-Drug Oral Maintenance Therapy: LATTE W96 Results - (03/05/15)
- Characterization of NNRTI & INI Resistance Mutations Observed in a Study Subject on Oral Two-Drug Maintenance Therapy with 10 mg Cabotegravir + 25 mg Rilpivirine - (03/05/15)
- GSK2578999, an HIV-1 maturation inhibitor with an improved virology profile against gag polymorphisms - (03/05/15)
- Rates of Non-confounded HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder after Early cART..... "Our findings suggest substantial neuroprotective benefit of initiating cART during primary infection" - (03/03/15)
- Pharmacokinetics of Etravirine (ETR) in HIV-1-Infected Pregnant Women - (03/03/15)
- Study of Next-Generation Investigational HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor Shows Positive Results in Preventing Viral Replication via Different Mechanism of Action Than Current Therapies - (03/03/15)
- 48-Week Analysis of Investigational HIV-1 Attachment Inhibitor Paves Way for Phase III Trial Initiation - (03/03/15)
- CROI Big Stories: TAF safety/efficacy, new HIV ARTs attachment & maturation inhibitors; new HCV drugs study results in HIV/HCV coinfected - Harvoni, daclatasvir+sofosbuvir, Abbvie 3D - (Ombitasvir, Paritaprevir Co-dosed With Ritonavir, Dasabuvir, and Ribavirin ) - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Preventing one HIV infection in US saves $229,800 in modeling analysis - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Linkage to HIV care and viral suppression climb steadily in New York City - improvements to 76%, 73% - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- More time with high viral load, high VACS index, predicts MI in veterans HIV cohort, as well as time-updated viral load & CD4 - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- More time with high viral load, high VACS index, predicts MI in veterans HIV cohort, as well as time-updated viral load & CD4 - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- TAF noninferior to TDF through 48 weeks in elvitegravir combination - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Atorvastatin for 1 year trims coronary artery plaque volume and number in placebo trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Varenicline (Chantix) helps French with HIV quit smoking in 48-week placebo trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Modified FRAX tool underestimates fracture rates in older men with HIV - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- TAF easier on kidney and bone signals than TDF in 48-week trials - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Impact of Specific Antiretroviral Drugs on Non-AIDS Mortality; the D:A:D Study - - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Smoking and heavy drinking tied to atherosclerosis in MACS men with HIV - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- SVR12 in over 90% of HCV/HIV null responders stating daclatasvir/asunaprevir plus PR - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction in the HIV Outpatient Study (HOPS)..... "Among participants with any length of follow-up, the four risk prediction equations underestimated the 10-year risk of CVD" - (03/02/15)
- High cancer risk among the HIV-infected elderly in the United States - (03/02/15)
- Fracture incidence is increased in aging HIV-infected women (WIHS) by 30% vs HIV - (03/02/15)
- Fracture incidence is increased in aging HIV-infected women (WIHS) by 30% vs HIV-- - (03/02/15)
- Cardiovascular Disease in HIV Patients:
An Emerging Paradigm and Call to Action - (03/02/15)
- Statin Therapy Reduces Coronary Noncalcified Plaque Volume in HIV-infected Patients: a Randomized Controlled Trial - (03/02/15)
- Calcified Plaque Burden is Associated with Serum Gut Microbiota-Generated Trimethylamine in HIV - (03/02/15)
- Anal high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among HIV-infected MSM in the SUN Study, 2004-2011 - (03/02/15)
- Daclatasvir in Combination With Sofosbuvir for HIV/HCV Coinfection: ALLY-2 Study - (02/27/15)
- Exposure to antiretrovirals and development of chronic kidney disease - D:A:D Study Group - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- Fat and lean mass changes similar with raltegravir and PIs in ACTG analysis - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- Rosuvastatin halts carotid artery wall thickening in placebo-controlled trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- Do gut flora play key role in cardiovascular disease with HIV? - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- Lower CD4 count, higher viral load tied to primary MIs in NA-ACCORD - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- TAF easier on kidney and bone signals than TDF in 48-week trials - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- Earlier ART in primary infection leads to bigger drop in cellular HIV DNA - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/27/15)
- Attachment Inhibitor Prodrug BMS-663068 in Antiretroviral-Experienced Subjects: Week 48 Analysis - (02/27/15)
- Treatment with a TLR7 Agonist Induces Transient Viremia in SIV-Infected ART-Suppressed Monkeys - (02/27/15)
- TLR7 Agonist GS-9620 Activates HIV-1 in PBMCs from HIV-Infected Patients on cART - (02/26/15)
- BMS-955176: Antiviral Activity and Safety of a Second-Generation HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor - (02/27/15)
- Renal and Bone Safety of Tenofovir Alafenamide vs Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate - (02/27/15)
- Ledipasvir/sofosbuvir for 12 Weeks in Patients Coinfected With HCV and hiv-1: ION-4 - (02/27/15)
- Renal and Bone Safety of Tenofovir Alafenamide vs Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate - (02/27/15)
- Study of Next-Generation Investigational HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor Shows Positive Results in Preventing Viral Replication via Different Mechanism of Action Than Current Therapies
- (02/27/15)
- Gilead Announces Phase 3 Results for Investigational Once-Daily Single Tablet HIV Regimen Containing Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF) - (02/27/15)
- Safety of Tenofovir Alafenamide in Renal Impairment - (02/27/15)
- Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF) in a Single-Tablet Regimen in Initial HIV-1 Therapy - (02/26/15)
- HIV-1 Attachment Inhibitor Prodrug BMS-663068: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Model-Based Dose Selection - (02/26/15)
- HIV-1 Attachment Inhibitor Prodrug BMS-663068: Interactions with DRV/r and/or ETR - (02/26/15)
- Little or no DNA reservoir draining with chemo plus autologous stem-cell transplant - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Size of active HIV reservoir predicts rebound when antiretroviral therapy stops - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Viral load above 1500 copies 23% of time in CDC study of 6 clinics - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Levonorgestrel contraception fails in 15% of women taking efavirenz - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- NCI sees "sizeable absolute risk" of cancer in elderly with HIV - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Lower CD4 count, higher viral load tied to primary MIs in NA-ACCORD - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Almost half of US women with HIV not in regular care in CDC analysis - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Little or no DNA reservoir draining with
chemo plus autologous stem-cell transplant - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/26/15)
- Drug Interactions Between the anti-HCV Regimen Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir and Ritonavir Boosted Protease Inhibitors plus Emtricitabine/Tenofovir DF - (02/23/15)
- HCV recurrence after SVR 20 times more frequent with HIV/HCV than HCV alone - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- As-Needed PrEP Cuts HIV Rate 86% in French-Canadian Ipergay Trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Tenofovir vaginal gel fails to protect women from HIV in phase 3 placebo trial - Mark Mascolini - (04/01/15)
- Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention: What we know and What we still need to know for implementation - (02/23/15)
- Daily TDF/FTC PrEP Provides 86% Protection From HIV in Gay British Men - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- PrEP plus ART yields "near elimination" of HIV in Partners cohort - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Wider PrEP Use in San Francisco Could Cut New HIV Rate by 70% - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- As-Needed PrEP Cuts HIV Rate 86% in French-Canadian Ipergay Trial - full slide presentation below - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Early ART, continuous suppression, tied to lower HIV DNA in CHER trial children - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Poor kidney function predicts neurocognitive decline with undetectable viral load
- written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Doubled risk of virologic failure with 3TC vs FTC in Dutch cohort analysis - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Anal cancer diagnosed earlier in HIV+ men, but cancer-specific survival similar to HIV- men - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Poor balance confidence--not physical
function--predicts falls in older men with HIV - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)
- Extensive cervical lesions common in HIV-positive women screened for ACTG trial - written by Mark Mascolini - (02/23/15)