The Kidney: TAF, Inflammation, Neurocognitive decline associated with renal/CVD markers, integrate inhibitors, early ART/inflammation
CROI: Renal and Bone Safety of Tenofovir Alafenamide vs Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate - (02/27/15)
CROI: Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF) in a Single-Tablet Regimen in Initial HIV-1 Therapy - (02/26/15)
from Jules: another theme at CROI was the kidney, the latest data on TAF particularly the safety data, the improvement compared to TDF, was a amor topic of discussion in the halls at CROI. Of note, the substitution of TAF for TDF for coinfected patients taking Harvoni should provide a significant improvement concerning safety, there is an ongoing currently enrolling study now looking at this.
CROI: Kidney Dysfunction and Markers of Inflammation in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study - (03/06/15)
CROI: PREDICTORS OF NEUROCOGNITIVE DECLINE AMONG AVIREMIC INDIVIDUALS IN THE CHARTER COHORT - (03/13/15)....."The strongest predictor of decline was eGFR, a known independent predictor of atherosclerotic vascular disease.....this work suggests that controlling additional cardio-vascular risk factors could be a useful strategy for minimizing cognitive decline. Modifiable risk factors were very common in the entire cohort, with as many as 80% reporting either smoking or a BMI ≥ 25. Smoking cessation and avoidance of obesity would be obvious starting points to maintain brain health." from Jules: and suggests trying to maintain kidney health is crucial.
CROI: Microbial Translocation is associated with Neuroinflammation in HIV-infected subjects on ART - (03/16/15).....from Jules: microbial translocation is associated with inflammation & activation which is tied to many end-rgan disorders including neuroinfllamtion found in this study and inflammation associated wit the kidney in MACS study reported here & with CVD
CROI: The Kidney at CROI 2015 - - Written by Lene Ryom PhD CHIP, Department of Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, Section 2100, Rigshospitalet - University of Copenhagen, Denmark Christina Wyatt MD Associate Professor, Medicine/ Nephrology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY - (03/06/15)
CROI: Confirmed kidney deficit tied to rising cardiovascular disease incidence in D:A:D......."need intensified monitoring for all types of emerging cardiovascular disease, in particular in older individuals with continuously low eGFR levels, and cincreased focus on applying different renal and cardiovascular preventive measures in HIV-positive persons" - (03/11/15).....among those with the most severely impaired renal function by 5 years almost 1 in 4 were estimated to have developed CVD (cardiovascular disease), with an increasing 28-day CVD fatality rate as eGFR declined
CROI: ART in Acute Infection, Inflammation/Activation "Largely Disappear" - (03/18/15)
CROI: Elvitegravir Reduces Monocyte Activation and Vascular Inflammation More than Efavirenz - (03/16/15)
CROI: Impact of Specific Antiretroviral Drugs on Non-AIDS Mortality; the D:A:D Study - - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/02/15)