Latency Reversing Agents activate latent reservoirs in the brain of SIV-infected macaques
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2015 Feb 23-26, Seattle, WA
Lucio Gama1, Sarah Price1, Erin Shirk1, Suzanne Queen1, Ming Li1, Brandon Bullock1,
Stephen Wietgrefe2, Luiz Pianowski3, M. Christine Zink1, Janice Clements1
1 - Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States.
2 - Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
3 - KyoLab / Amazonia Fitomedicamentos, Valinhos, SP, Brazil.
"LRA induction caused a significant increase of plasma and CSF VL in one of the LRA-treated macaques (Figure 1). CSF viral load was 10x higher than in plasma, and the animal had to be euthanized due to encephalitis-related symptoms ......Changes in activation markers in the CNS were observed mostly in the animal with increased viral load (Figure 5)...... Treatment with LRAs led to a decrease in latent reservoirs in SIV-infected cART-treated macaques. In one animal, treatment activated viral genomes in occipital cortex leading to CNS disease, indicating that the brain harbors latent virus and should be seriously considered when novel "Kick and Kill" strategies are designed for HIV eradication."
