Majority of HCV/HIV-co-infected patients in the Netherlands remain in need of effective HCV treatment
....."total of 907(76%) remain in need of effective HCV therapy (treatment naïve, n=485; not successfully treated, n=422. ....17% of these 907 patients had a Fib4-score>3.25 (F3/F4) (Table 1). ......57% (n=517) of the HIV/HCV co-infected patients currently in care are MSM, of whom 41 men have severe liver fibrosis/cirrhosis according to the Fib4-score (Figure 3)."
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2015 Feb 23-26, Seattle, WA
C. Smit(1), J. Arends (2), M. van der Valk(3), K. Brinkman(4), J.T.M. van der Meer (3) H.Ammerlaan(5), S.M. Arend(6), P.Reiss(1,3), C. Richter(7) on behalf of the Stichting HIV Monitoring/Nederlandse Vereniging van HIV Behandelaren Hepatitis Working Group, and the ATHENA national observational HIV cohort 1: Stichting HIV Monitoring, Amsterdam, 2: UMCU, Utrecht, 3: AMC, Amsterdam, 4: OLVG, Amsterdam, 5: Catherina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven, 6: LUMC, Leiden, 5: Rijnstate ziekenhuis, Arnhem.
For HCV with or without HIV : Fib4 score < 1.45 = F0-F1...Fib4 score > 3.25 = F3-F4 .....http://gihep.com/calculators/hepatology/fibrosis-4-score/