Greater CSF HIV Reduction and CSF Rapid
Decay Associated with Improved Neurocognition
from Jules: the email report I just sent was CROI study (by Sarah Joseph et al) finding HIV replication in the brain & its association with neurocognitive impairment; so this study finds decreased CSF viral load & increased CSF HIV rate of decay after starting therapy in naives translated into improved neurocognition 6 months later after having started ART.....and the previous study concluded: "Antiretroviral therapy that fully suppresses viral replication in the CNS, particularly in macrophages, may be more likely to improve neurocognitive performance" but isn't this all intuitive
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2015 Feb 23-26, Seattle, WA
Kevin R. Robertson1, Natalie M. Bowman2, Sarah B. Joseph1, Prema Menezes1, NishaBhatia4, Christopher Lippincott1, Michael Vinikoor1, Joseph Eron1, Serena Spudich3, Ronald Swanstrom1, Richard W. Price3
1.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US, 2.Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, US 3. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, US
