- Truvada / PrEP+ART / Long-Acting Cabotegravir / Dapirivine Vaginal Ring / On-Demand PrEP IPERGAY / Maraviroc PrEP
IAC: FTC/TDF (Truvada) for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Utilization in the United States: 2012-2015 - (07/20/16)....79,000 used Truvada PrEP since 2012, increased 738%...highest usage in men (76%), >25 (85%), NY/Mass/Illinois have highest rates - per population but NY & California are the 2 leaders in absolute numbers of users; NYC is by far highest in numbers of users followed by SF & Chicago, Wash DC, LA, Atl, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia
IAC: Sexual activity without condoms and risk of HIV transmission when the HIV positive partner is using suppressive ART: The PARTNER study - (07/20/16)
IAC: Integrated delivery of PrEP and ART results in sustained near elimination of HIV transmission in African HIV serodiscordant couples: - (07/20/14) 4 infections but authors reported none used PrEP (or ART)
IAC: Efficacy of "On Demand" PrEP in the ANRS IPERGAY Open-Label Extension Study - (07/20/14)
IAC: Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine as Long-Acting Maintenance Therapy: LATTE-2 Week 48 Results - (07/25/16)
IAC: Satisfaction, Tolerability, and Acceptability of Cabotegravir (CAB) + Rilpivirine (RPV) Long-Acting Therapy: LATTE-2 Results - (07/29/16)
IAC: Experiences with long acting injectable ART: a qualitative study among PLHIV participating in a Phase II study of Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine (LATTE-2) in the United States and Spain - (07/25/14)
IAC: Persistence of Rilpivirine Following Single Dose of Long-Acting Injection - (07/29/16)
IAC: Residual dapivirine ring levels indicate higher adherence to vaginal ring is associated with HIV-1 protection ......."Results suggest ring use is associated with at least 56% and potentially >75% protection when used consistently" - (07/22/14)
IAC: IPM's dapivirine ring may offer significant HIV protection when used consistently, new data analyses suggest (07/18/16)
IAC: Vaginal Ring May Cut HIV Infection Risk if Used Consistently (07/18/16)
IAC: Changes in Bone Mass after Discontinuation of PrEP with Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate/Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) in Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM): Extension Phase Results of Adolescent Trials Network (ATN) Study 110 - (07/20/16)
IAC: An HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) demonstration project and safety study for adolescent MSM ages 15-17 in the United States (ATN 113) - (07/22/16)
IAC: CDC Study: Why the Disparities: The First National Look at HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among Sexual Minority Male High School Students, United States, 2015 - High rates of injection drug use increases gay teens' HIV risk - (07/22/16)
IAC: Incidence and correlates of STIs among black men who have sex with men participating in a US PrEP study - Mark Mascolini (07/27/16)
IAC: Preventing 1 Infection With As-Needed PrEP Costs 3 to 4 Times More Than HIV Therapy - Mark Mascolini (07/27/16)
IAC: No HIV Infections in Clients of San Francisco PrEP Program - Mark Mascolini (07/27/16)
IAC: Benefits of pre-exposure prophylaxis relative to drug resistance risk - (08/03/16)
IAC: HPTN 069 / ACTG A5305 Phase II Study of Maraviroc (MVC)-Containing Regimens for HIV PrEP in U.S. Women...."NO new infections....annual incidence rate 0%" - (07/20/16)
IAC: HPTN 073: successful engagement of Black MSM into a culturally relevant clinical trial for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - (08/05/16)
IAC:Correlates for levels of self-reported PrEP adherence among Black men who have sex with men in 3 U.S. cities - (08/05/16)