Unusual HCV subtypes and retreatment outcomes in a cohort of European DAA-experienced patients
EASL 2023 June 23 Vienna
Julia Dietz1, Christiana Graf1, Christoph P. Berg2, Kerstin Port3, Katja Deterding3, Peter Buggisch4, Johannes Vermehren1, Georg Dultz1, Kai-Henrik
Peiffer1, Andreas Geier5, Tony Bruns6, Christophe Moreno7, Janina Trauth8, Thomas Discher8, Thomas Berg9, Andreas E. Kremer10, Beat Müllhaupt10,
Stefan Zeuzem1, Christoph Sarrazin1,11
question asked about if compliance was tracked, "doctors are given a form about this, we trust in doctors response, we only include patients who had virology failure".