The International Liver Congress™
EASL - European Association for the
Study of the Liver
June 21-24 2023
A gene editing approach for chronic hepatitis B: elimination of hepatitis B virus in vivo by targeting cccDNA and integrated viral genomes with a sequence-specific ARCUS nuclease
- (07/11/23)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease awareness, misperception, and their association with healthcare access in Korean general population: a nationally representative survey
- (07/11/23)
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis disease progression in participants
from the United States TARGET-NASH real world longitudinal observational study
- (07/10/23)
- HCV and HBV prevalence and associated risk factors among people who inject drugs in Kenya
- (07/05/23)
- Improving hepatitis B screening and linkage to care rates via the electronic medical record, provider engagement, and patient navigation in a large, urban health system
- (07/05/23)
- Tenofovir prophylaxis during pregnancy for the elimination
of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus: A cost-effectiveness analysis
- (07/05/23)
- Estimating the Prevalence of Hepatitis Delta
Infection among Foreign-Born Adults with Chronic Hepatitis B
in the United States
- (07/05/23)
- Impact of the anti-HDV reflex testing on the reduction of hepatitis D burden in Spain
- (07/05/23)
Low coverage of hepatitis D virus testing in individuals with
HIV and HBV in the Netherlands (ATHENA): a retrospective, cross-sectional
and longitudinal study
- (07/05/23)
Prevalence (15%) and incidence of delta hepatitis in HIV-HBV coinfected patients in the Dat'AIDS (French) cohort
- (07/05/23)
- An international coalition to eliminate hepatitis B virus (ICE-HBV) survey confirms inadequate HBV/HDV screening and diagnosis diminishing elimination targets in resource limited settings
- (07/05/23)
- Off-label Bulevirtide monotherapy for chronic hepatitis D
virus infection in patients with decompensated liver disease
- (07/05/23)
- Five years follow-up of 96 weeks peginterferon plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in hepatitis D
- (07/05/23)
- SAFE Score Rates Liver Disease Risk Well in US General Population - Who is SAFE from chronic liver disease? A population-based approach for early detection in the US.
- Mark Mascolini (07/05/23)
- Significant dose-dependent reduction in liver stiffness using transient elastography in a phase 3 randomized placebo-controlled trial of obeticholic acid over 48 months in patients with pre-cirrhotic fibrosis due to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- (07/05/23)
- A global research priority agenda to advance public health responses to fatty liver disease
- (07/05/23)
- Twelve-week treatment with BOS-580, a novel, long-acting Fc-FGF-21 fusion protein, leads to a reduction in liver steatosis, liver injury, and fibrosis in patients with phenotypic NASH: a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled phase 2A trial
- (07/05/23)
Use of antidiabetic and lipid-lowering medications
associated with lower scores of liver fibrosis biomarkers
in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients
- (07/05/23)
- Effectiveness of a direct care action strategy at the drug addiction center (test and treat in point of care) for the detection and treatment of hepatitis C in drug users on opioid agonist substitution therapy
- (07/05/23)
- Finding undiagnosed hepatitis C cases: using machine learning to identify clinical attributes and social determinants of health to improve the screening-to-diagnosis ratio and improve efficiency and linkage to care - (07/05/23)
Est. 1.7 Milllion HCV+ in EU/EEA
Estimation of prevalence of chronic HCV infection in
EU/EEA countries using multiparameter evidence synthesis
- (07/05/23)
Improving hepatitis B screening and linkage to care rates via the electronic medical record, provider engagement, and patient navigation in a large, urban health system - (07/04/23)
Identification of Liver-associated Gene Signatures
from Serum Exosomes in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B - (07/04/23)
- The safety and pharmacokinetics of ABI-4334,
a novel next-generation HBV core inhibitor:
Interim results from a Phase 1 study in healthy volunteers
- (07/04/23)
- Vebicorvir, entecavir, and pegylated interferon in patients with hepatitis B e antigen positive chronic hepatitis B virus infection: Findings from a Phase 2, randomized open-label study in China
- (07/04/23)
- Long-term outcome of hepatitis delta in different
regions world-wide: Results of the Hepatitis Delta International Network (HDIN) - (07/03/23)
- Next generation core inhibitors ABI-H3733 and ABI-4334 have significantly improved potency and target WED-114 coverage for both antiviral and cccDNA formation activities compared to first-generation core inhibitors - (07/03/23)
- Safety, pharmacokinetics, and antiviral activity of the next-generation hepatitis B core inhibitor ABI-H3733 in patients with hepatitis B e antigen negative chronic hepatitis B infection: Preliminary results from a randomized, blinded, Phase 1b study - (07/03/23)
Next generation core inhibitors ABI-H3733 and ABI-4334 have significantly improved potency and target WED-114 coverage for both antiviral and cccDNA formation activities compared to first-generation core inhibitors - (07/03/23)
- A Novel Class of Orally Available Small Molecules Potently Inhibit Hepatitis B and D Virus Entry - (07/03/23)
- RBD1016, an siRNA, Lowers HBsAg for
24 Weeks in Phase 1 Placebo Trial - Mark Mascolini (07/03/23)
- The TLR8 agonist Selgantolimod modulates Kupffer
cell differentiation status and indirectly impairs
HBV entry into hepatocytes via an IL-6-dependent mechanism - (07/03/23)
- Transcriptional analysis of HBV infected liver after treatment with Selgantolimod reveals longitudinal changes in both inflammation-related pathways and B cell receptor repertoire - (07/03/23)
Results of a Phase 1b, Open-label, Multicenter Study of Selgantolimod (GS-9688) in Special Populations of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B - (07/03/23)
- Long-term Safety Profile of Tenofovir Alafenamide
in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients: Final 8-Year Results of 2 Phase 3 Studies
- (07/03/23)
- Long-term outcome of hepatitis delta in different
regions world-wide: Results of the Hepatitis Delta International Network (HDIN) - (07/03/23)
- Resmetirom Improves the Lipid/Lipoprotein Profile in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - (07/03/23)
- Resmetirom Helps Regulate Thyroid Hormone Levels
Within the Liver in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - (07/03/23)
Resmetirom Helps Regulate Thyroid Hormone Levels
Within the Liver in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- (07/03/23)
Imaging and Biomarker Thresholds to Accurately
Diagnose NASH Cirrhosis in a 180-patient Biopsy-confirmed Cohort - (07/03/23)
Artificial intelligence to measure fibrosis change on liver biopsy in MAESTRO-NASH: a Phase 3 52-week serial liver biopsy study in 966 patients with NASH treated with resmetirom or placebo - (07/03/23)
- Trends in hepatitis B and hepatitis C related
hepatocellular carcinoma - Increasing Cases, 2015 to 2030 - (07/02/23)
Risk of developing cancer - comparison of HBV, HCV, and smoking
- (07/02/23)
- Preliminary safety and antiviral activity of AB-729 combination treatment with pegylated interferon alfa-2a in virally suppressed, HBeAg-negative subjects with chronic HBV infection
- (07/01/23)
Model-based meta-analysis of pegylated IFN-alpha induced HBsAg loss at end of treatment and 24 weeks post treatment in chronic hepatitis B virus infection
- (06/30/23)
- Hepatitis B surface antigen loss rate and safety and discontinuations with pegylated interferon alpha in chronic hepatitis B virus infection, a systematic review
- (06/30/23)
- Evidence of durable response to bepirovirsen in B-Clear responders: B-Sure first annual report
- (07/01/23)
- The impact of removing all hepatitis B virus (HBV) testing and treatment restrictions
- (06/30/23)
Real-world effectiveness of voxilaprevir/velpatasvir/sofosbuvir in DAA failure patients: an integrative analysis
- (07/01/23)
- Outcomes of early vs late treatment initiation in solid organ transplantation from HCV NAT+ donors to HCV-uninfected recipients: Results from the HCV-TARGET study - (06/30/23)
- Unusual HCV subtypes and retreatment outcomes in a cohort of European DAA-experienced patients - (06/30/23)
- Evaluating utilization and management of comedications with potential for drug-drug interactions among patients with chronic hepatitis C initiating treatment with sofosbuvir/velpatasvir or glecaprevir/pibrentasvir
- (06/30/23)
- Concomitant use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and
Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir: Evidence from Randomized
Clinical Trials and Real-World Data
- (06/30/23)
- Achieving hepatitis C micro-eliminating in 4 female
prisons through a nurse led test and treat approach
of pathway optimisation and whole prison testing
- (06/30/23)
- HCV micro-elimination strategy in a tertiary hospital: identification of lost cases and linkage to care - (06/30/23)
- HCV screening before endoscopy in hepatogastroenterology
outpatient clinic: results of DEPISTC-ENDO study - (06/30/23)
- Improving blood borne virus screening in immigration removal centres in the UK - (06/30/23)
- Screening for hepatitis C virus using rapid diagnostic test (RDT) coupled with mammography in women aged from 50 to 74 years in Montpellier (France). (Mamm'OC NCT05067374) - (06/30/23)
- Simple Record Review Finds 37% With HCV Who Fell Between Care Cascade Cracks - Mark Mascolini (06/30/23)
- The risks of first hepatic decompensation and HCC remain constant during long-term follow-up and can be stratified by a one-time assessment after HCV-cure - (06/30/23)
- A prospective, pragmatic post-authorisation safety study of early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C virus-infected patients after direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy: DAA-PASS - Mark Mascolini (06/30/23)
- Achieving Hepatitis C micro-elimination in 4 female prisons through a nurse led test and treat approach of pathway optimisation and whole prison testin - (06/30/23)
Liver-Derived Progenitor Cells Ease Fibrosis, Inflammation in NASH - Mark Mascolini (06/30/23)
- Pegozafermin for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients
with F2/F3 fibrosis: a multi-center, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled Phase 2b trial (ENLIVEN) - Mark Mascolini (06/30/23)
Fast Response to REP 2139-Mg in 3 With HDV/HBV and Decompensated Cirrhosis - Mark Mascolini (06/30/23)
- HCV & HBV Summary Wrap-Up/ Lost Our Way on HCV - (06/30/23)
- MAFLD is better than ultrasonographic steatosis to stratify hepatocellular carcinoma risk in patients with advanced hepatitis C cured with direct antiviral agents - (06/30/23)
- Treatment with siRNA JNJ-73763989 plus nucleos (t)ide analogue (NA) decreases HBsAg and HDV RNA levels in patients with chronic hepatitis D (CHD): part 1 of the REEF-D study - (06/30/23)
Concomitant use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir:
Evidence from Randomized Clinical Trials and Real-World Data - (06/30/23)
Population Adjusted Prevalence of Hepatitis Delta Virus in 21 Countries and Territories - (06/29/23)
A Phase 3, Randomized Trial of Bulevirtide in Chronic Hepatitis D - (06/29/23)
Lonafarnib With Ritonavir Slows HDV in 48-Week Placebo Trial - Mark Mascolini (06/29/23)
- HDV Full Genome Sequencing and Sensitive HBV
Genotyping from a Large Cohort of HBV/HDV Co-infected Patients - (06/29/23)
- The impact of hepatitis D virus infection on health-related quality of life and fatigue in patients untreated for HDV: Descriptive results from a cross-sectional study across Italy, Germany, Spain and the US - (06/29/23)
Qualitative interviews to assess the impact of chronic hepatitis delta virus infection on health-related quality of life in untreated patients from the US, Italy, Spain, and Germany - (06/29/23)
- Liver stiffness measurement as a noninvasive method for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis D virus infection - (06/29/23)
Hepatitis Delta Treatment Utilization in the United States:
An Analysis of Commercially Insured Adults With Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection
- (06/29/23)
- Significantly Higher Clinical and Economic Burden Following Diagnosis of Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection Among Commercially Insured Adults With Chronic Hepatitis B in the United States - (06/29/23)
- Healthcare Resource Use and Costs Associated With Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection Compared With Hepatitis B Virus Monoinfection Among Commercially Insured Patients in the US - (06/29/23)
- Increased Baseline Comorbidity Burden Among Commercially Insured Patients With Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection vs Hepatitis B Virus Monoinfection in the United States
- (06/29/23)
Timed Calorie Cuts Beat Standard Dieting for Fibrosis, Metabolic Measures With NAFLD - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
- Early Trials of siRNA ALN-HSD for NASH Show Safety, Drop in Target mRNA - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
Resmetirom Resolves NASH and Lessens Fibrosis in 52-Week Placebo Trial - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
- FASN Inhibitor Denifanstat
Improves NASH Markers in 26-Week Analysis - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
- Denifanstat, a fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitor for the
treatment of biopsy-proven NASH: A 26-week interim analysis
of the FASCINATE-2 Phase 2b trial - (06/28/23)
Pemvidutide Cuts NAFLD Liver Fat and Weight Through 24 Weeks - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
- Efinopegdutide Cuts Liver Fat More Than Semaglutide in 24 Weeks - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
- Resmetirom Resolves NASH and
Lessens Fibrosis in 52-Week Placebo Trial - Mark Mascolini (06/28/23)
- Intrahepatic Characterization of Virological and Immunological Markers in Two Distinct Populations of Chronic Hepatitis B: Baseline Assessment of Core Liver and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies From the Investigational INSIGHT Study - (06/28/23)
A Phase 2a, randomized, active-comparator-controlled, open-label study
to evaluate the efficacy and safety of efinopegdutide in individuals with
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - (06/28/23)
NAFLD Efinopegutide Phase 2a/ Fatty Liver New Drugs-Public Health Research/Survey - (06/28/23)
AI To Measure Fibrosis in MAESTRO-NASH Study with Resmetirom - (06/28/23)
New Tool for Self-stigma in Chronic Hepatitis B:
Content and Psychometric Validation of a New Patient-reported Outcome Instrument
- (06/26/23)
- Association of Post-treatment Virologic Relapse and Biochemical Flares With HBV Serum Biomarkers in Long-term Virologically Suppressed HBeAg negative Patients Stopping NA Treatment: Exploratory Analyses From the Control Arm of the REEF-2 Study
- (06/26/23)
Intrahepatic Characterization of Virological and Immunological Markers
in Two Distinct Populations of Chronic Hepatitis B: Baseline Assessment
of Core Liver and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies From the Investigational INSIGHT Study
- (06/26/23)
- Treatment eligibility and initiation among chronic hepatitis B
patients in a real-world setting in the United States
- (06/26/23)
- VIR-2218 and VIR-3434 Therapy Is Efficacious in Preclinical Models of Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection
- (06/26/23)
- Single-dose pharmacokinetics of VIR-3434, a novel neutralizing
monoclonal antibody, in participants with chronic hepatitis B virus infection
- (06/26/23)
siRNA VIR-2218 + Vaccinal Monoclonal Antibody
VIR-3434 Phase 2 Post-Treatment Follow-up MARCH Trial
- (06/26/23)
- Long-term Efficacy of Tenofovir Alafenamide in HBeAg-positive
and HBeAg-negative Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Treated for up to
8 Years in 2 Phase 3 Studies
- (06/26/23)
- Continued Treatment of Early Nonresponders or Partial Virologic Responders With Bulevirtide Monotherapy in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis Delta Through Week 96 Leads to Improvement in Virologic and Biochemical Responses
- (06/26/23)
- Predictors of severe flares after nucleos (t)ide analogue cessation-results of a global cohort study (RETRACT-B study)
- (06/26/23)
- Safety and antiviral activity of short-duration combinations of the investigational small interfering ribonucleic acid VIR-2218 with the neutralizing, vaccinal monoclonal antibody VIR-3434: post-treatment follow-up from the Phase 2 MARCH trial
- (06/26/23)
- Extrahepatic malignancies and antiviral drugs
for chronic hepatitis B: a nationwide cohort study (TDF v Entecavir)
- (06/26/23)
- Primary results from MAESTRO-NASH a pivotal phase 3
52-week serial liver biopsy study in 966 patients with NASH and fibrosis
- (06/26/23)
- Intrahepatic Characterization of Virological and Immunological Markers in Two Distinct Populations of Chronic Hepatitis B: Baseline Assessment of Core Liver and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies From the Investigational INSIGHT Study
- (06/26/23)
- Association of Post-treatment Virologic Relapse and Biochemical Flares With HBV Serum Biomarkers in Long-term Virologically Suppressed HBeAg negative Patients Stopping NA Treatment: Exploratory Analyses From the Control Arm of the REEF-2 Study
- (06/26/23)
- (06/26/23)
- Intrahepatic Characterization of Virological and Immunological Markers in Two Distinct Populations of Chronic Hepatitis B: Baseline Assessment of Core Liver and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies From the Investigational INSIGHT Study
- (06/26/23)
- Treatment With siRNA JNJ-73763989 Plus Nucleos(t)ide Analogue (NA) Decreases HBsAg and HDV RNA Levels in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis D (CHD): Part 1 of the REEF-D Study
- (06/26/23)
- Comparable Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Treated with Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate or Tenofovir Alafenamide
- (06/26/23)
- Increased Baseline Comorbidity Burden Among
Commercially Insured Patients With Hepatitis
Delta Virus Infection vs Hepatitis B Virus
Monoinfection in the United States
- (06/26/23)
- A Retrospective Observational Cohort Study of Liver-Related Events Among Patients With Hepatitis B Virus Infection With and Without Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection
- (06/26/23)
- Week 48 results of the phase 3 D-LIVR study, a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of Lonafarnib-boosted with Ritonavir with or without Peginterferon Alfa in patients with chronic hepatitis delta
- (06/26/23)
- HDV-RNA decline less than 1 log after 6 months of BLV 2 mg monotherapy could define poor-response and lead to therapeutic decision.
- Mark Mascolini (06/26/23)
- HDV-RNA decline less than 1 log after 6 months of BLV 2 mg monotherapy could define poor-response and lead to therapeutic decision. Data from real-life cohort
- (06/26/23)
- Efficacy and safety at 96 weeks of bulevirtide 2 mg or 10 mg monotherapy for chronic hepatitis D: results from an interim analysis of a phase 3 randomized study
- (06/26/23)
Patients With Chronic Hepatitis Delta Virus Infection Have Higher Risk of Disease Progression Than Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Monoinfection-Results From a Spanish National Hospital Database
- (06/26/23)
Stopping Bulevirtide After Long-Term HDV Control Appears Safe With Close Monitoring
- Mark Mascolini (06/26/23)
- (06/26/23)
- (06/26/23)
- Study of hepatitis delta virus replication markers in
anti-HBc positive patients with chronic hepatitis C
- (06/26/23)
- Final results of a hepatitis C micro-elimination
campaign in a highly endemic, well-defined demographic
area of peri-urban Karachi, Pakistan.
- (06/26/23)
- Estimating the Economic Value Allocation of the Social Surplus Generated by the Utilization of All-Oral Direct-Acting Antivirals for Hepatitis C in the United States, 2015-2019 - (06/26/23)
- Care cascade for perinatal HCV and implications of early RNA testing (46% tested)a - (06/26/23)
- Achieving a Hepatitis C cure in those with hepatocellular carcinoma
is associated with an improvement in overall survival: Real world data - (06/26/23)
HCV Screening Rates in Reproductive Age Women After Universal Screening Guidelines - (06/26/23)
- Most vulnerable HCV patient groups (PWID) treated with direct acting antivirals achieve high response rates and gain quality of life - Data from the German Hepatitis C-Registry (DHC-R) - (06/26/23)
- HCV elimination in persons living with HIV (PLWH):
the NoCo (No-Coinfection) study of the ICONA network - (06/26/23)
The prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection
in high-risk patients with high normal alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) in Israel: A bio bank analysis - (06/26/23)
- The Impact of HCV cure on glycemic indices in patients
using glecaprevir/pibrentasvir from nationwide Taiwan HCV registry - (06/26/23)
Same Day Test, treat and cure patients with CHC
undergoing opioid agonist substitution therapy at Drug Addiction Center
- (06/26/23)
Cost-effectiveness analysis of a new paradigm to
simplify testing, monitoring and treatment of hepatitis C
virus in the United States
- (06/26/23)
- Real-life effectiveness of VOX/SOF/VEL in hepatitis C
patients previously treated with SOF/VEL or GLE/PIB - (06/26/23)
- Sofosbuvir/ Velpatasvir/ Voxilaprevir for DAA-experienced HCV Patients:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- (06/26/23)
- Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir (S/V) For The Treatment Of HCV
Infection Among Vulnerable Inner-city (PWID) Residents:
Extending The Results Of Clinical Trial Part 2 - (06/26/23)
- Cascade of care and HCV treatment of inner city (PWID)
populations engaged in care through community pop-up clinics (CPCs) SVR 97% - (06/26/23)
- Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir (S/V) For The Treatment Of
HCV Infection Among Vulnerable Inner-city (PWID) Residents:
Extending The Results Of Clinical Trial Part 2 - (06/26/23)
- Real-world Data on Long-term Quality Of Life After
Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir Therapy: Data From the German Hepatitis C Registry (DHC-R) - (06/26/23)
- Results of the hepatitis B and C screening within the
"Check-Up35+" in the German primary care setting one year
after implementation by the Federal Joint Committee
- (06/26/23)
- Real-world Data on Long-term Quality Of
Life After Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir Therapy:
Data From the German Hepatitis C Registry (DHC-R) - (06/26/23)
Viral hepatitis C: Therapy and resistance
Retreatment of patients experiencing failure with Hepatitis C direct-acting antivirals.
Sof/Vel/Vox, G/P+Sof - (06/26/23)
- Predictors of long-term mortality after HCV eradication among PLWH - (06/26/23)
- HCV elimination in persons living with HIV (PLWH):
the NoCo (No-Coinfection) study of the ICONA network - (06/26/23)
- Smoking and obesity promote systemic inflammation in patients with compensated and decompensated cirrhosis - (06/25/23)
- Effects of Nutritional Therapy on Sarcopenia in
Patients with Liver Cirrhosis - A Randomized Controlled Trial - (06/25/23)