siRNA VIR-2218 + Vaccinal Monoclonal Antibody
VIR-3434 Phase 2 Post-Treatment Follow-up MARCH Trial
Safety and Antiviral Activity of Short-duration Combinations of the Investigational Small Interfering Ribonucleic Acid VIR-2218 With the Neutralizing, Vaccinal Monoclonal Antibody VIR-3434: Post-treatment Follow Up From the Phase 2 MARCH Trial
EASL 2023 June 21-24
Edward Gane1, Alina Jucov2, Marta Dobryanska3, Ki Tae Yoon4, Tien-Huey Lim5, Andre Arizpe6, Daniel Cloutier6, Michael A. Chattergoon6, Shenghua Mao6, Sneha V. Gupta6, Gregory Camus6, Carey Hwang6, Young-Suk Lim7
