AZT/3TC Compared to
AZT for Preventing Mother-To-Child Transmission: low rate of transmission, but there were
with full PDF of study
Observational Study Comparing Efavirenz to Nevirapine and PI Regimens
in 800 Patients in Two Clinics in London
Osteopenia in HIV-infected
is it the disease or is it the treatment? & 
Impact of Lipodystrophy
& HIV on Sex Behavior
full PDF report
Nucleosides (NRTIs)
and Reduced Bone Mineral Density (Osteopenia)
study from Andrew Carr, with full PDF
Milk Thistle in
HCV: Randomized
controlled trial of silymarin (milk thistle) treatment in patients with
cirrhosis of the liver
Reports for NATAP from the
Disease Week Liver Conference
Atlanta, Georgia, May
Small Study
Suggests HIV Therapy May Reduce HCV Transmission
for NATAP by Harvey S. Bartnof, MD
Methadone Promotes
HIV Infection in Cell Culture Studies at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Immune Suppression
(low CD4s) and Cervical Dysplasia in Women: studies suggest relationship
This and other related
articles can be found in our new section devoted to
Reports for NATAP from
7th Annual Conference
of the British HIV Association
with Abstractsin
PDF format only
Sexual Risk of
HCV Transmission
C virus among high and low risk pregnant women in Dundee: unlinked anonymous
testing: another study suggesting sexual risk of transmitting HCV
Effects of mode of
delivery and infant feeding on the risk of mother-to-child transmission
of hepatitis C virus
European Paediatric Hepatitis C Virus Network
in Interferon Non-Responders
of Sustained Virologic Response: 3 year follow-up
new Hepatitis B drug in early research
Assessment of
Fatigue and Psychologic Disturbances in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus
Gastroenterol, May 2001
New Ribivarin
in Research (ICN 17261)
More on Amantadine
in Combination with Interferon and Ribivarin
Study Finds Aerobic
Exercise Can Lead to Subcutaneous Fat Loss in Periphery (lipoatrophy)
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
with PDF
of entire published article attached)
New Perinatal Guidelines
printable PDF format
from the Perinatal
HIV Guidelines Working Group Members
Public Health Service Task Force
Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected
Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1
Transmission in the United States
ALT Levels
(liver enzymes) Can Be Normal but Liver Disease Can Be Advanced
by Jules Levin