13th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy
April 16-18, 2012
Barcelona, Spain
- Differential Exposure of Raltegravir Throughout Gut---associated Lymphoid Tissue: "High concentrations of raltegravir within GALT.......Raltegravir may be useful for combination with eradication strategies" - (06/12/12)
- Clinical Pharmacology at the 13th Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy - Courtney V. Fletcher, Pharm.D. - (05/14/12)
- Population Pharmacokinetics of Cobicistat-Boosted Elvitegravir in Adult Healthy Subjects and HIV-infected Patients - (04/18/12)
- Pharmacokinetics of Elvitegravir and Cobicistat in Subjects with Severe Renal Impairment - (04/18/12)
- Safety/Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Boosting of Twice-daily Cobicistat Administered Alone or in Combination with Darunavir or Tipranavir - (04/18/12)
- Lack of Clinically Relevant Drug Interactions Between GS-7340 and Efavirenz - (04/18/12)
- Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of the HIV Integrase Inhibitor Dolutegravir Co-Administered with Rifabutin in Healthy Subjects - (04/18/12)
- Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interaction Profile of Cobicistat boosted-Elvitegravir with Atazanavir, Rosuvastatin or Rifabutin - (04/18/12)
- Pharmacokinetics of a Novel EVG/COBI/FTC/GS-7340 Single Tablet Regimen - (04/18/12)
- Etravirine Has No Effect on the Pharmacokinetics of S/GSK1265744, a Novel HIV Integrase Inhibitor - (04/18/12)
- Pharmacokinetics of EVG/COBI/FTC/TDF Single Tablet Regimen following Treatment with EFV/FTC/TDF (Atripla) in Healthy Subjects - (04/18/12)
- Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Boosted-Elvitegravir in Subjects with Hepatic Impairment - (04/18/12)
- Metabolism & Drug-Drug Interaction Profile of Dolutegravir (DTG, S/GSK1349572) - (04/18/12)
- Twice-Daily Cobicistat Effect Differs With Darunavir and Tipranavir - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/25/12)
- Efavirenz PKs Highly Variable and Driven by CYP2B6 Genotype in Youngsters - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/25/12)
- Switching to QUAD After Atripla Has No Telling Impact on Elvitegravir Levels - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/25/12)
- Etravirine Levels 25% Lower With HCV Protease Inhibitor Boceprevir - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/18/12)
- Lack of a clinically significant drug interaction between BMS-663068, a novel HIV-1 attachment inhibitor, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate when administered in combination at steady state - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Cobicistat Doubles to Triples Exposure of GS-7340 (a Tenofovir Prodrug) and Resulting Tenofovir - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Antiviral activity, exposure-response, and resistance analyses of monotherapy with the novel HIV nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) BMS-986001 in antiretroviral treatment-experienced subjects -1 - (04/17/12)
- Antiviral activity, exposure-response, and resistance analyses of monotherapy with the novel HIV nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) BMS-986001 in antiretroviral treatment-experienced subjects -2 - (04/17/12)
- Etravirine With 300/100 or 400/100 mg of ATV/r in Treatment-Experienced People - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Darunavir/Cobicistat Formulation Yields Darunavir Level Close to Darunavir/Ritonavir - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- No Relevant Interactions Between Telaprevir and Two Newest Nonnucleosides Rilpivirine & Etravirine
- written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Raltegravir 400 mg Once Daily With Atazanavir/Ritonavir Plus 2 NRTIs - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Injected Rilpivirine for PrEP Stays in Plasma for 84 Days in Women and Men - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Rifabutin Cuts Elvitegravir Levels, But No Critical Elvitegravir Interactions With Atazanavir or Rosuvastatin - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Impact of Atazanavir/Ritonavir on Antifungal Depends on CYP2C19 Genotype - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Drug Interactions With Integrase Inhibitor Dolutegravir Identified - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Good Virologic Response in 10-Day Study of Festinavir, a New NRTI - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)
- Efavirenz Concentrations Do Not Signal Discontinuation in Swiss Study - written by Mark Mascolini - (04/17/12)