ICAAC 2014 54th Interscience Conference
on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
September 5-9, 2014
Washington, DC |
- Serum levels of soluble cellular adhesion molecules are associated with survival and liver-related events in adults coinfected with HIV/HCV - (09/16/14)
- Over Half of MSM in Swiss Study Group Don't Know About HCV Infection - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- Pre-ART Profile Differs for Mortality and TB-IRIS in People Starting ART - (09/15/14)
- The Effects of Interferon/Ribavirin Therapy on Bone Turnover Markers (BTMs) in HIV/HCV Co-Infected Subjects - (09/15/14)
- Switch From Efavirenz to Rilpivirine Quells CNS Toxicity, Improves Sleep - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- TDF/FTC Vaginal Ring Protects 6 of 6 Monkeys From Weekly SHIV Exposure - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- PK Data and Dose Selection for Experimental NNRTI, Doravirine - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- Similar 144-Week Results With Cobicistat or Ritonavir as Atazanavir Booster - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- First Single-Tablet PI Regimen With Darunavir and TAF at 48 Weeks - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- Coronary Calcium Scores Similar in HIV+ People and Matched HIV- Controls - Florida community infectious disease office - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- Subgroup Analysis of Response to Stribild vs Atripla or Atazanavir: 144 Weeks - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- Less Bone Loss With DRV/RAL Than DRV/TDF/FTC at 48 and 96 Weeks - Mark Mascolini - (09/15/14)
- CD8-Cell Activation, Senescence, Osteoprotegerin Tied to Atherosclerosis in Italian HIV Cohort....
(from jules: senescence marker higher in HIV+ & senescence marker associated with heart disease) - (09/12/14)
- Switch From RTV to COBI To Boost a PI With Moderate Kidney Impairment - (09/12/14)
- Tenofovir Nanoparticles in Vaginal Gel
Protect 10 of 10 BLT Mice From HIV Challenge - (09/12/14)
- One Third of HIV+ Women in Spanish Group Have Anal Cancer Precursor - (09/11/14)
- Stribild Advantages vs Atripla in Blacks Through Trial Week 144 - (09/11/14)
- Metabolism, Excretion, and Mass Balance of the HIV Integrase Inhibitor, Cabotegravir (GSK1265744) in Humans - (09/10/14)
- Effect of Carbamazepine (CBZ) on Dolutegravir (DTG) Pharmacokinetics - (09/10/14)
- Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interaction Profile of Cobicistat-Boosted Elvitegravir with Carbamazepine - (09/10/14)
- Elvitegravir Regimen Maintains Virologic Control in Blacks After PI or NNRTI - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/10/14)
- Noninduced HIV-1 Proviruses in the Latent Reservoir May Contain Drug Resistance Mutations ......full slide presentation included - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/10/14)
- Virologic Response During ART Interruption After CCR5-Cell Modification With SB-728-T (zinc fingers) - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/10/14)
- HIV Persists in Lung Macrophages of People on Suppressive ART - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/10/14)
- Elvitegravir Regimen Maintains Virologic Control in Blacks After PI or NNRTI - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/09/14)
- Four to Five HIV+ Dying in Care Yearly in Philadelphia Are Potential Organ Donors - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/09/14)
- GSK Long-Acting ART Integrase inhibitor - Cabotegravir Injected Every 1, 2, or 3
Months Yields Adequate Troughs in Simulation - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/09/14)
- High-Risk HPV 60% More Frequent in Anus
Than Cervix of HIV+ Women in France - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/09/14)
- Cholelithiasis (gallstones) among patients exposed to atazanavir, other PIs, and PI-free regimens - (09/09/14)
- HIV NRTI BMS-986001 in Antiretroviral-Naïve Subjects: Evaluation of Bone and Metabolic Safety Data Through Week 48 - (09/09/14)
- HIV NRTI BMS-986001 in Antiretroviral-Naïve Subjects: Week 24/48 Analyses - (09/09/14)
- COPD Prevalence 9% in French HIV Group--and 74% Don't Know - (09/09/14)
- Drug Interactions Between Tenofovir Alafenamide and HIV Antiretroviral Agents - (09/09/14)
- Switching from Ritonavir (RTV) to Cobicistat (COBI) in HIV Patients with Renal Impairment Who Are Virologically Suppressed on a Protease Inhibitor based Regimen - (09/09/14)
- Subcutaneous Ibalizumab in At-Risk Healthy Subjects - (09/09/14)
- Drug-Drug Interactions of the Direct Acting Antiviral Regimen of ABT-450/r, Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir with HIV Protease Inhibitors - (09/08/14)
- Drug-Drug Interactions with Direct Acting Antiviral Combination Therapy of ABT-450/r, Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir - (09/08/14)
- Drug-Drug Interactions of the Direct Acting Antiviral Regimen of ABT-450/r, Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir with Emtricitabine + Tenofovir, Raltegravir, Rilpivirine and Efavirenz - (09/08/14)
- Transient Indirect Bilirubin Elevations Associated With ABT-450/r/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir With Ribavirin - (09/08/14)
Adverse Event Profile of the Interferon-free All-oral ABT-450/r/Ombitasvir, Dasabuvir, and Ribavirin Regimen in HCV Patients - (09/08/14)
- High SVR12 Rates in HCV Genotype 1b-Infected Patients Receiving Ombitasvir/ABT-450/r and Dasabuvir With or Without Ribavirin Regardless of Baseline Characteristics - (09/08/14)
- Risky Sex and Drug Use Common in HIV-Negative MSM With Acute HCV - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/08/14)
- HIV in Resting CD4 Cells May Contain Antiretroviral Resistance Mutations - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/08/14)
- Dolutegravir Superior to Efavirenz at 144 Weeks in SINGLE Trial -Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/08/14)
STaR Study: Single-Tablet Regimen Rilpivirine/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir DF Is Non-Inferior Compared to Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir DF and Improves Patient Reported Outcomes through Week 96 - (09/08/14)
Once-Daily Doutegravir + Abacavir/Lamivudine is Superior to Efavirenz/Tenofovir/Emtricitabine in Treatment-Naïve HIV Subjects: 144-Week Results - SINGLE Study (ING114467) - (09/08/14)
- Acute hepatitis C infection in HIV negative men who have sex with men......in UK - 'sexual HCV transmission/risky sex & drug use behavior/low rates of screening/routine screening recommended for these risk group' - (09/08/14)
48 Week Study of the First PI-based Single Tablet-Regimen (STR)
Darunavir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/ Tenofovir Alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF)
vs. Darunavir (DRV) boosted by Cobicistat (COBI) and Emtricitabine/Tenofovir
Disoproxil Fumarate (TVD) in HIV-Infected Treatment-Naïve Adults - (09/08/14)
- Pooled 144-week Efficacy and Safety of Elvitegravir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir
DF (STB) with Subgroup Analysis - (09/08/14)
- Cobicistat versus Ritonavir as Pharmacoenhancers of Atazanavir in Combination with Emtricitabine/Tenofovir DF - Phase 3 Randomized, Blinded, Active-Controlled Trial, Week 144 Results - (09/08/14)
- Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Doravirine and Exposure-Response Analysis: Efficacy and Safety Implications - (09/08/14)
- Switch to Elvitegravir/Cobi/FTC/TDF from PI+RTV or NNRTI plus FTC/TDF Maintains HIV Suppression at Week 48 and is Safe in Black Subjects - (09/08/14)
- Efficacy and Safety of Raltegravir in Racial Groups - (09/08/14)
- Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of E/C/F/TDF (STB) versus EFV/FTC/TDF (ATR) in HIV-1-Infected Treatment Naïve Black and Non-Black Subjects - (09/08/14)