XVI International AIDS Conference
Toronto Canada
August 13 - 18, 2006 |
News Reports  
- Panacos Fusion Inhibitor Drug Discovery Program: developing oral fusion inhibitor active against Fuzeon resistance (11/30/06)
- Combination of TMC114/r and TMC125 in Patients with Multidrug Resistant HIV (10/03/06)
- CCR5 Antagonists: When Should They be Used? - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/18/06)
- Efavirenz Nonadherence in Blacks & Whites - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/18/06)
- Early treatment does not protect CD4s in gut - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/12/06)
- Does Treating Primary HIV-Infection Do Any Good? - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/12/06)
- Resistance Profile after Treatment with an Atazanavir-Containing Regimen: First Interim Analysis Results from the IMPACT Study (BMS AI424-128) (09/12/06)
- Nonnukes vs PIs: Digesting the Latest Data - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/12/06)
- Questions and answers from clinical trials of lopinavir/ritonavir monotherapy presented at WAC in Toronto - Written by Jose Arribas, MD - (09/06/06)
- Select Highlights from IAC 2006: Gates & Clinton, TB, integrase, HIV testing... - (09/06/06)
- Factors associated with seronegative chronic hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-infection - (09/06/06)
- New Antiretrovirals - Written by Mike Youle - (09/06/06)
- PCP prophylaxis is not required with a CD4+ T cell count < 200 cells/uL when viral replication is effectively suppressed - (09/06/06)
- Safety of Atazanavir (ATV) and ATV/Ritonavir (ATV/RTV) in Patients Co-infected With HIV and Hepatitis B and/or C: 1100 Patient-years of Treatment Exposure - (09/06/06)
- New Fusion Inhibitor Peptides, TRI-999 and TRI-1144, are Potent Inhibitors of Enfuvirtide and T-1249 Resistant Isolates - (08/29/06)
- Planned Treatment Breaks: Long Looks at SMART, DART, and BASTA - (08/29/06)
- 47% of African- Americans Support HIV Conspiracy Theory, Study Finds - (08/29/06)
Patient Survey: Fuzeon Biojector Improves Pain & ISRs, Adherence, Injection Concerns, and Interference with Daily Activities; 75% prefer Biojector to the standard needles/syringes - (08/29/06)
- Reyataz Lipid Changes - (08/29/06)
- TMC114/r in treatment-experienced HIV patients in POWER 3: 24-week efficacy and safety analysis - (08/29/06)
- Risk of discontinuation of nevirapine due to toxcities in antiretroviral naive and experienced patients with high and low CD4 counts - (08/29/06)
- TMC114/r in treatment-experienced patients in POWER 1, 2 and 3: integrated analysis of laboratory parameters - (08/29/06)
- Absence of TMC114 exposure-efficacy and exposure-safety relationships in POWER 3 - (08/28/06)
- CD4 Increases in Patients with Ongoing Viral Replication while Receiving Enfuvirtide are Associated with V38 and other Mutations in gp41 - (08/28/06)
Clinical pharmacology of TMC114 - a new HIV protease inhibitor - (08/28/06)
- Efavirenz-based Regimens are Potent in Treatment-Naïve Patients Across a Wide Range of Pre-Treatment HIV-1 RNA and CD4 Cell Counts - (08/24/06)
- HCV Death Rate Doubles Among IDUs in Last 5 Years - (08/24/06)
Increase in New HIV Diagnosis from 14% to 32% in NYC - (08/24/06)
- IDUs in NYC Have Risky Sexual Behavior - (08/24/06)
- Syringe Exchange in NYC Reduces Number of HIV Cases Among IDUs - (08/24/06)
- Comparisons of HIV risk behaviors between foreign-born and US-born men who have sex with men (MSM) in New York City - (08/24/06)
- Older Age Associated with Reduced HAART Tolerabilty - (08/24/06)
- Kaletra Monotherapy Induction-Maintenance in Naives Compared to Efavirenz, 96 Weeks - (08/23/06)
Overview of Drug Interactions Between Brecanavir (BCV) and Other HIV Protease Inhibitors (PIs) - (08/23/06)
- Dramatic increase in the incidence of anal cancer despite HAART in the French hospital database of HIV - (08/23/06)
- TMC120 Vaginal Ring Promising As Microbicide Carrier - (08/23/06)
- Impact of prior PI usage on Week 48 responses to tipranavir boosted with ritonavir (TPV/r) - (08/23/06)
Pharmacokinetic interaction study with TMC125 and TMC114/r in HIV-negative volunteers - (08/23/06)
- EFV +TDF/FTC or Combivir 96 Wks Study 934: limb fat/renal/resistance/safety/viral efficacy
- (08/22/06)
- Potent Antiretroviral Effect of MK-0518, a Novel HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor, as part of Combination ART in Treatment -Naive HIV-1 infected Patients - (08/22/06)
- Pharmacogenetic (PG) Investigation of Hypersensitivity to Abacavir - (08/22/06)
- Phase II Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Vicriviroc (VCV) in HIV+ Treatment-Experienced Subjects - (08/22/06)
- EFV +TDF/FTC or Combivir 96 Wks Study 934: limb fat/renal/resistance/safety/viral efficacy - (08/21/06)
- Switch from Kaletra to Reyataz (SWAN Study 48 weeks): lipids, viral suppression - (08/21/06)
- Recombinant human Growth Hormone (r-hGH) to treat HIV-associated Adipose Redistribution Syndrome (HARS): 12-week Induction and 24-Week Maintenance Therapy - (08/21/06)
- Safety and Efficacy of MARAVIROC (MVC), a Novel CCR5 Antagonist, When Used in Combination with Optimized Background Therapy (OBT) for the Treatment of Antiretroviral-Experienced Subjects Infected with Dual/Mixed-Tropic HIV-1: 24-Week Results of a Phase 2b Exploratory Trial - (08/21/06)
HIV Rapid Testing Has Arrived - (08/21/06)
- Kaletra BID vs LEXIVA BID, Both with EPIVIR and Abacavir QD, in ART-Naive Patients: The KLEAN Study; Activity/lipids/safety - (08/21/06)
- No structure to this strategy: reports of Treatment Interruption studies - Reported by David Margolis - (08/21/06)
48-week analysis of LPV/r monotherapy compared to LPV/r + AZT/3TC in antiretroviral-naive patients: MONARK trial - (08/18/06)
- Lopinavir/ritonavir as single-drug maintenance therapy in patients with HIV-1 viral suppression: Forty-eight week results of a randomized, controlled, open label, clinical trial (OK04 Study) - (08/18/06)
- Maraviroc Study in Dual/Mixed Tropic Patients - (08/18/06)
- Phase 2 Efficacy and Safety of the Novel Viral Entry Inhibitor, TNX-355, in Combination with Optimized Background Regimen (OBR) - (08/18/06)
- More Than Doubled Risk of Progression in African Interruption Trial - (08/18/06)
- Risks With Lopinavir "Monotherapy" After 3-Drug Suppression - (08/18/06)
- Vicriviroc CCR5 Drug, 24 Week Results in Treatment-Experienced; New Study with Higher Doses Starting - (08/18/06)
- Kaletra, Efavirenz, and Kaletra+Sustiva Compared (ACTG 5142) - (08/18/06)
- 17% Increase in HIV in USA in Last 4 Yrs; Blacks Most Disproportionately Affected - (08/17/06)
- HIV+ Women in WIHS: 33% have Metabolic Syndrome - (08/17/06)
- Multiple Factors Predict Metabolic Syndrome in Women With HIV - (08/17/06)
- Wider Waists and Hips: Sorting Effects of Age, HIV, and Antiretrovirals - (08/17/06)
- Risky Anal Intercourse Common in Young US Adults - (08/17/06)
- What Explains Disease Progression in SMART's Drug Break Group? - (08/17/06)
- Study of Tenofovir As a Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Against HIV Infection - (08/17/06)
Transmitted Drug Resistance 9-10% in Europe - (08/17/06)
- Clinton greeted as a star for work fighting epidemic - (08/17/06)
- Experts Warn Scientific Gains on H.I.V. Not Enough - (08/17/06)
- Emergence of X4 Virus at High CD4 Counts in MACS Cohort - (08/17/06)
- Male sex sending HIV out of control in Asia-group - (08/17/06)
Sex Workers, Drug Use Spread HIV Infection in Asia - (08/17/06)
- Circumcision touted as HIV defense - (08/17/06)
- Efficacy and safety results at 48 weeks with the novel NNRTI, TMC125, and impact of baseline resistance on the virologic response in study TMC125-C223 - (08/17/06)
- Do People Over 50 Get Less or More From Antiretrovirals? - (08/17/06)
- Poor Adherence Threatens Efavirenz More in Blacks Than Whites - (08/17/06)
- First-Line NNRTIs Beat PIs in a 5-Year Trial, But . . . - (08/17/06)
- TMC-114 48 Week Study Results: lipids, potency, safety - (08/17/06)
- Gilead Announces Licensing Agreements with Three India-Based Companies for Manufacturing and Distribution of Generic Versions of Viread in the Developing World - (08/17/06)
- Gates Foundation to develop oral pills to prevent HIV transmission - (08/17/06)
- HIV Therapy's Impact on Heart Disease Small but Bears Watching - (08/15/06)
- Little Gain From Drug Breaks After Treating Primary Infection - (08/15/06)
- Causes of Severe Illness at High CD4 Counts in French Cohort - (08/15/06)
- IAC: Older HIV Patients May Face More Adverse Effects - (08/15/06)
- GlaxoSmithKline and Shionogi Complete Initial Clinical Study for HIV Integrase Inhibitor - (08/15/06)
- IAC: New Goals Set for HIV Salvage Therapy - (08/15/06)
- New 2006 Recommendations of the International AIDS Society-USA Panel - (08/14/06)
- New 2006 Recommendations of the International AIDS Society-USA Panel - (08/14/06)
- 'Big Noise Over a Big issue' - (08/14/06)
- Gates criticises HIV abstinence policies - (08/14/06)
- Black America Must Confront AIDS - (08/14/06)
- Melinda Gates, of the Gates Foundation, has called on government from across the globe to stop ignoring sex workers in their HIV/Aids programmes - (08/14/06)
- HAART Support Services in USA & Internationally - (08/14/06)
- Viread Has Encouraging Results As HIV Prevention Drug - (08/14/06)
- Merck Integrase Inhibitor 24 Week Study Results in Treatment-Naives - (08/14/06)